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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. It's apparently an issue with the thread tag plugin. OWA is looking into it tonight.
  2. Hmm. More of an outline than an actual flow of arguments, but I like it.
  3. I no longer have it, sadly. From my memory, the basic premise was to divide players into the defense and prosecutors. While both sides would want to win the case in order to win the game, an optional objective would be to dig further and uncover the truth. This would allow players to deviate from their win conditions slightly and cooperate. I was still trying to figure out how a judge and witnesses would work when I stopped drafting it a while ago. I don't know where the template went.
  4. Hmm, Brigitte must be reading the thread over and writing her reply. I smell a competent debater. Well, in the meantime, iLTS, I don't recall if I ever gave you my initial draft of how an Ace Attorney RPG might work?
  5. I need to write a case first. That's going to take months of planning.
  6. One of these days I do plan on hosting an Ace Attorney themed RPG and I certainly don't want Cat5 to dominate it. It's far more fun when everyone can do wall-o-text arguments. Therefore, my ulterior motive for hosting these games is clear.
  7. I want to see this clash of titans. I'll certainly be interesting to see if @Killing_You has grown accustomed to writing arguments like books and the same if @Brigitte has that talent from the start. Of course, Louis might also surprise us. Who knows? Let the battle of minds begin.
  8. Brigitte's debut was the previous game, PokeMafia 2.
  9. iLikeToSnipe unleashes the power stone on OrangeP47! While Nick Fury would normally fake his death with a low heartbeat or other biological means, the power of the stone completely disintegrates him! OrangeP47, who was Nick Fury (mafia), is dead! I haven't been able to keep track of the CvC, so I'll wipe it clean.
  10. Actually I can resolve that on my break. Louis pulls out a sniper rifle and fires at Brigitte! However, Brigitte is so quick she is able to dodge the shot!
  11. I’ll resolve this when I’m home, currently have two hours left of my shift then an hour drive home.
  12. I was kinda hoping someone would use a day action so I could use a scrumptious meme, but your ten minutes are up. I’ll check in the morning to see what’s new.
  13. Neutrals often win alongside other alignments. Town still has a chance and that’s why the game is still going.
  14. If you guys aren’t going to fire all your guns etc in the next 10 minutes I’m going to sleep.
  15. Welcome to mafia on this website
  16. Two things here. I still check my phone for a bit after I hop in bed, and I leave my browser open on my pc.
  17. This no longer does what you think it does. But it’s activated.
  18. Hint: FRAYDO has been dead since the start of Day 3.
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