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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Not a final boss, but might as well be.
  2. I haven't seen or read anything about GoT. I might join, but I'm still mulling it over. If you need one more to meet the minimum playercount let me know.
  3. @DoDoCat I added your translation to the sheet, thanks!
  4. The purpose of the camo pillbox in Red Alert was to surprise your opponents in multiplayer and catch the less-trained eye off-guard. In APB where building and base defense placements are static, there's no point. However, I can see the camo pillbox making an appearance if there were a randomized base defense script created with several possible spawn locations for base defenses.
  5. Do you think you would have changed your mind if you were given the full 24 hours left? Personally I couldn't think of anything Brigitte could say to sway your opinion.
  6. Accolades have been edited into the endgame post.
  7. I don't see the votes changing anytime in the next 24 hours, therefore I see no need to further prolong this trial. Player Vote Brigitte ChopBam ChopBam Brigitte OrangeP47 Brigitte Lead Brigitte Brigitte was the lawyer! Town wins! Game Log Scumdoc Deaddoc Accolades: Retaliation - The ol' good cop/bad cop - Scum got the doc on the first night, so your strategy as the cop really put town in a better position to win given the circumstances--you and ChopBam got scum to hit the Oracle, actually. However... Killing_You - Naked Luck - If KY hadn't been revealed by the Oracle, I think scum would have put up a much stronger fight. KY was really the only one in the right scum position to counterclaim cop, but NodDO sealed the deal for him before he had a chance, leaving scum with zero chance at countering Retaliation. Shade939 - I'm the real GM here - Thanks for doing a lot of the work. My employer has kicked things into high gear the past two weeks and so I haven't had a lot of time to mod during the critical moments. You're definitely prepared to run a game. However, it wouldn't be right if I didn't question if you were prepared to balance a game. The thread is now open for feedback. @VERTi60, you can start your Star Wars Mafia II signups any time.
  8. No because that nullifies the point of the Miller.
  9. DAY FOUR Retaliation is dead. He was the cop! Player Vote Brigitte ChopBam Mojoman OrangeP47 TheIrishMan Lead
  10. Killing_You is lynched. Unsurprisingly, he was the Janitor. Player Vote Brigitte ChopBam Mojoman OrangeP47 Retaliation TheIrishMan Lead Night 3 has started!
  11. Bussing is when a scum player votes against their partner and makes a case against them for the sake of town points and a possible scum win. It’s allowed when players are given permission by the victim i.e. it’s planned ahead. In this particular case KY is revealed so there’s no punishment for scum voting him. Sorry, but that strategy won’t work here.
  12. Player Vote Brigitte ChopBam Killing_You Killing_You Killing_You Mojoman Killing_You OrangeP47 Killing_You Retaliation Killing_You TheIrishMan Killing_You Lead Killing_You
  13. Btw, in irc lingo Killing_You is currently “naked”.
  14. I’ve already answered the scumdoc question in pregame. No changes made from the last iteration of this setup.
  15. DAY THREE Alright lads, showtime! FRAYDO, the Oracle, was killed last night. His magic reveals Killing_You, the Janitor! Player Vote Brigitte ChopBam Killing_You Mojoman OrangeP47 Retaliation TheIrishMan Lead I know you might want an early hammer due to this reveal, but the day phase will continue as normal.
  16. Hey Threve, I took the Launcher translation sheet and added a tab to it for IA. Other tabs can be added for the other W3D games as well when needed/asked for. You can add your English strings to the "en" column and translate will pick up the rest, then volunteers can make edits where necessary.
  17. Player Vote Brigitte FRAYDO ChopBam OrangeP47 Killing_You Louis Louis Mojoman FRAYDO Louis OrangeP47 FRAYDO Retaliation Louis TheIrishMan Lead Louis Well well, it's Louis' turn for the chopping block. Turns out she's Vanilla Mafia! So long, Louis. See you in the dead doc. NIGHT TWO Yadda yadda.
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