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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Rubeci's alignment changes things. He's obviously third party--what are your opinions on the matter? Also, we will be deciding between two kingdom projects tonight: 1. Great Sept - 25% Faith Point bonus to all loyal houses 2. Maegor's Holdfast - Provides information about forces in entire kingdom daily Use your two night posts to discuss and vote on Rubeci's fate and the kingdom project for the night. We will make a final decision about 3 hours before hammer to give Verti time to resolve.
  2. Do you suppose the first player to go to the wall becomes the Lord Commander?
  3. Except nobody knew what religion I would choose, not even my Hand.
  4. I did, but it's still based on emotion and feeling as rubeci said. Unfortunately that's all that I have to go on today.
  5. There is no actual case on Retaliation either.
  6. Low posting to me means nothing, but just for today. Because choosing to remain loyal doesn't give any new perks to talk about or be excited about. There's no motivation to stay active until you can contribute for yourself. That's why I've been thinking rebels would be a little active but not super active.
  7. You act like you already know his faction. If you had defended rubeci then, though, you'd have been in the spotlight. In fact, even now you don't defend him but deflect to others.
  8. You know, with Orange being against rubeci and countering with Retaliation, and then being "okay" with my alternartive, I feel reassured.
  9. I think we should stick with rubeci in that case.
  10. ...I said that was the goal like 24 hours ago.
  11. We don't currently have a way of proving someone is a rebel. The forced vote today is to get a player to the wall and initiate the other gears of the game.
  12. Orange, you're forgetting your place. I've stated already that we won't be eliminating anyone today. There's no need to yet.
  13. Voe would be at the mercy of the Lord Commander.
  14. I'm debating between rubeci, Voe, and Retaliation as contenders to be sent to the wall. Orange is dead set on Retaliation for some reason. It's tunnel vision, really.
  15. I'm only truly wrong if Retaliation is the only rebel and you have proof. You have yet to offer any.
  16. I'm not sold on Retal over a joke vote that he didn't unvote in the first 5 minutes.
  17. I guess it's basically if you prefer to strategize with other players during nighttime and think your house actions are garbage you're good to go. Any king will want to send a player to the wall if possible though--if Winter does come and the wall is weak, then we're all kinda screwed.
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