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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. And how is Orange more dangerous? My post said that Shade is the better scumread than you vs Orange.
  2. I do. There’s a list, I simply gave two options from it.
  3. Anyway, as for the numbers: I did indeed receive 5000 of Retaliation's troops along with his holding. Voe's math appears to be correct.
  4. I'm sure you've believed that from the start.
  5. @rubeci Are you going to respond, or did you not receive my message last night?
  6. @Shade939 You're on the platter today. Know why? Because you haven't sent me a single crow or given me any information to work with despite my saying Day Two that my strategy relied on the Old Gods ability--I even hinted at the Heart Tree project thinking that it might motivate you to work with me. The only thing you've really done this game is judge from the sidelines while doing who knows what at night. Orange and Voe may be harder reads, but your time is up.
  7. @Voe It's called a job. Hello all, Sunflower is indeed the hand.
  8. His PM changed the day after everyone had the choice to rebel.
  9. The fact that it changed lends credit to the theory that there was only one rebel this reign and that there was one conversion.
  10. What’s your religion? FP goes up by 100 each night and it’s only 200 to upgrade.
  11. Let me be frank. I currently believe the rebels are hiring sellswords to boost their numbers. There aren’t enough conversions for them to defeat the kingdom otherwise, and sending a loyal to the wall boosts the kingdom’s army. Rebels wouldn’t want to do that if their timing is off. Who wanted to vote rubeci again? Who wanted to vote the supposed third party Sunflower?
  12. Unless sending a loyal to the wall doesn't affect income, in which case a conversion occurred on Night 1.
  13. Day 1 - After King (+700) Day 2 - After rubeci (+600) Day 3 - After Retaliation (+600) I don't see room for a conversion tbh. If there were at least one, then we should be at +500 income.
  14. Essentially, we have nine players left in the CvC and one rubeci is independent. Since we have a +600 income each night now, we have six loyal players left. Two rebels.
  15. Food for thought: Retaliation is no longer paying taxes. Royal income dropped by 100 last night. We can use this to figure out if any loyal houses have been converted in the past few days. Gotta head to work, more on that later.
  16. Nope that was added the same night as crows iirc
  17. That’s right. The phase after that, Crows were added.
  18. I would like everyone's thoughts on @Louis, @Category 5 Hurricane (more your thoughts on the game so far), and @OrangeP47.
  19. ##Send Wall There will be no project announcements tonight while the King and his Hand conduct important business in the war room.
  20. And now here is our national anthem courtesy of the Great Sept Choir:
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