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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. How long does this game need to drag on? ##send wall
  2. Bump, this is currently $12 USD over at Green Man Gaming
  3. “Literally just kill or wall everyone until it’s just you”.
  4. If he’s a rebel, wall. If he’s loyal, wall. Idgaf.
  5. Yet another boring phase. See you guys in two days.
  6. Actually, first-party should mean Nintendo-developed and published. But they aren't doing a lot of that with their IPs anymore and I don't want to be too limiting.
  7. Right, I'd define it as the latter. You can further refine the choice by giving it the console test--is the character seen or available on other platforms (Xbox, Playstation)? If so, then they'll probably be denied. The exception to this rule is Super Smash Bros, which has a large roster to choose from. Assist trophies and spirits don't count as characters though. Also, Edelgard best girl.
  8. Choose Your Own Role: Nintendo Edition Hi there everyone! As you all know I’m anticipating a very busy turn of events starting this holiday season. This will probably be my last hosted mafia game for a while—and because of that, I thought it’d be neat to have a lighthearted fun theme! Expect to see the traditional Mafia vs Town vs Third Party vs Neutral in a Nintendo setting! Choose your character from the famous Nintendo franchises and construct them using elements from the many video games they starred in! Example Franchises Mario (including Donkey Kong & Wario) Pokémon The Legend of Zelda Star Fox F-Zero Fire Emblem Metroid Pikmin Splatoon Animal Crossing Super Smash Bros Kirby Series Xenoblade Series *Players may request a character from any franchise as long as it is first-party (no third-party franchises like Kingdom Hearts) Items Items from the Nintendo franchises will appear in this game. Some players will create items to start the game with, while others will be inserted and randomly distributed by the GM. Some items will take immediate effect, while others will have the standard item actions (Use, Pass, Destroy). If you like, you can even have your character create items via ability! For example, Bowser Jr. might create a Bob-omb item each night which is passed around to explode after 3 phases. Don’t be afraid to get wacky! *Players are asked to limit item creation to one ability-produced item and/or one "starting" item. Complexity The kinds of items chosen might make for a crazy game, but hopefully not as mind-numbing as CYOR: Endgame Edition. I'm kinda hoping nobody asks for time travel stuff. Start Date & Times Here’s the skinny. I start my new gig on August 12th. It’s a standard 8a-5p shift after the initial training. Currently, I want to aim for a Thursday, August 22 @10:00PM UTC (the usual time) game start. That gives you three weeks to decide if you want to sign up and then make a character. Signups are now closed. Player Signups Verti60 OrangeP47 Killing_You TheIrishMan Mojoman Chopbam Louis FRAYDO Category 5 Hurricane Retaliation Voe (reluctantly) Nodlied
  9. So I got a job offer a few days ago and it's a 25% raise from my current job, and it's a bit slower paced so I'll probably have time to host one last CYOR before Little Jeod arrives. I'm considering Nintendo themed, or I can go further and make it Super Smash Bros themed. Obviously it will need some planning time, so...feedback?
  10. It's true, I have a life. Sunflower did all the maths and was the one who had the idea about the number of rebels relating to the kingdom income.
  11. Don't be so insulting. You should see the kingdom doc.
  12. Well we don't have any specific win conditions besides "seize the throne", which was already kinda foggy. Sunflower's personal ambitions were to hatch her dragons and raise them just because she wanted to see interesting dragon stuff.
  13. My interest in this game was lost the moment it was discovered that I'm apparently extremely difficult to challenge and don't offer any motivation to loyals to turn on me.
  14. Well, since the game has effectively stalled, I think it's alright to say: I spoke to Verti about this situation and I believe as long as nobody wants to try to contest the throne, and nobody can, the game can end early. That's an option at least, @VERTi60 can confirm and tell us how to proceed with that route. Another option I can see is skipping to the end of this phase since we all know we're lynching TheIrishMan today.
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