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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. The winter bar is full but no winter announcements. Rubeci therefore is our outlier.
  2. @Category 5 Hurricane now that there is no rebellion, has your "win condition" changed in the kingdom doc? I agree with attempting to eliminate rubeci today. ##vote rubeci
  3. Aw I had the perfect meme for today but with no rebel’s it’s moot. Btw Voe went the way of Shade, he’ll be on the cvc tomorrow.
  4. Here's a fun tidbit: when I was removed from the throne and sent to the wall, I lost all the coins I had, which could have been spent on the wall. Funny how Shade's bid to "help" via game mechanics actually hurt us as Retaliation can only hold off WIN for one more day without coin to keep up the defenses.
  5. Alright, neat! Current signup total is 13. If more than 15 players sign up, I will need a co-moderator. However, if you think you want to co-moderate this game, you don't need to wait--if asked, I'll approve.
  6. Well how bout that? I can get Pyke back if the Emperor so chooses.
  7. Ah, the truth comes out: you've literally joined the third party.
  8. All I was told when I asked about Hand selection being a sort of cop ability was that it would fail if I chose a rebel.
  9. I think I prefer to remain independent. As I have no holdings, if I'm hand I'll be effectively disarmed. Sunflower was able to do nothing but be in the doc with me after Irish attacked her.
  10. No I'm pretty certain we all hate you except rubeci.
  11. If that's what it takes for you to see how urgent it is that Shade be eliminated. ##vote Category 5
  12. You mean Shade, I hope. Orange is actually just tagging along for the ride at the moment. He was my hand for a day, remember. He's trustworthy enough over Shade at the least,
  13. Regardless of what happens, shade is going to die by my hand or orange’s. There is no escape. There are plenty of more friendly routes he could have taken to push the wildling alliance. Instead he’s been working the game to his own selfish end.
  14. It’s plain for me to see that he has bad intentions. Why wouldn’t he just tell you otherwise? In the wall doc he even told you that you could be LC, no fight. He obviously already had other plans.
  15. Rubeci’s services go to the highest bidder. He is good for you, not necessarily for WIN.
  16. We have zero reason to trust you or shade. You both abandoned the wall to pursue your own goals. You’re clearly not concerned with WIN at all.
  17. That’s not explaining why you refuse to work with orange.
  18. He doesn’t need to be king to kill you. And neither do I.
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