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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Or you could be a lad and send some provisions to the wall while Cat5 sends troops since we're your first line of defense and proven to be a good defense already.
  2. We can't feed either, the only thing sending us troops will do is get them killed. They'll be killed either way though, however if Verti resolves attacks before starvation they could help. But that's about it.
  3. Can we vote to have the king decide on the holding for day phases at least to speed things up? There's not much discussion happening and not much reason to discuss anything.
  4. I really don't see the point in day phases anymore tbh. @VERTi60 this game's gone on a week longer than anticipated. Any chance of speeding up the conclusion by having us choose actions consecutively? Nobody is going to object to Cat5 choosing random holdings each day, and us stewards are just going to keep burning bodies at night.
  5. Do you even mafia, bro? No problem.
  6. Nope, waiting for report from LC. We did get attacked last night, but no casualties (as in players, we still have a little under 8k corpses after burning another 5000 last night).
  7. "We know the name of their holding but waiting on others to tell us if they have any new actions to act on it"
  8. (Sorry I've been distracted with Fire Emblem Heroes)
  9. Just for the record, are all your troops at Riverrun!?
  10. That's up to Retaliation. After we burn the last of the bodies tonight, we'll dead in the water unless the shipyard thing we unlocked does something neat. Something to do with trading, but I don't have any coin.
  11. Doesn’t shade have zero troops left? Thought we ended up taking them all to the wall despite verti saying it would be half.
  12. Please tell me you're not going to play Whack-A-Shade.
  13. No salt here, it's a common occurrence. I signed up to give Verti the player count he wanted.
  14. This setup would still be great if it weren't for: -Your mission is to eliminate the rebellion but you can't do that without eliminating everyone -Winter is here which means you lose your entire army and thus die within 3 day phases unless you focused on winter instead of those pesky rebels you silly goose, shouldn't have listened to the GM eh? -Oh btw there might be a way to attack the white walkers and win but you'll have to find out for yourself
  15. Right, one more night of burning corpses and we'll have done all we can I think. @Category 5 Hurricane, what do you think about a stockpile count? I believe we're all on a similar enough alignment now that we should be aiming to redistribute our resources based on need. Wow, sounds like socialism.
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