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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. @Louis You have to be blind to see that shubeci are just doing the same threatening things as orange. The difference is who you align with. Of course you’re going to be threatened if you side with the enemy. You’d also be threatened by them if you sided with us. They have the ability to attack too, and “neutral” factions usually don’t get to attack.
  2. @Category 5 Hurricane Louis will likely be replaced by Voe. Still don’t know if he’s going to come back to help shubeci or you.
  3. Let me answer this for you: "to stop you from sending everyone else to the wall, yes" Which equates to just let the scum win please. You're a big baby rebel even when you're independent.
  4. I suppose having me sent to the wall was necessary for your "survival".
  5. I think you understand now that you're in a no-win scenario. Here is what Shubeci wants us to think: Here is what Shubeci actually thinks: Your actions aren't in any way noble.
  6. On the other hand, if the comment was sarcasm, then why did you abandon the wall in the first place?
  7. I assumed the first quote was sarcasm. It’s quite hypocritical of you to be preaching of winter yet saying the wall is worthless.
  8. I still don't think we were given enough information about winter to assume it's a large threat. In fact, I'll be surprised if it's more than a game mechanics flip where the wall just has greater emphasis/importance than the kingdom.
  9. @Louis is the one who needs convincing--you and Cat5 are already on board with Shubeci, iirc.
  10. I mean, at least for the chrono vortex I actually offered in-game reference material.
  11. Frankly we still don't know if winter is an actual threat or if it's just a major change in game mechanics as we understand them. As someone who's used fake threats to avoid elimination (read: chrono vortex etc), you're not making me budge.
  12. Nice circular logic you have there. King's goal as stated in the kingdom doc, remember?
  13. So rather than trying to assist us with dealing with winter as Shade claims, you're both running from it. Quite the difference.
  14. I went back to try to find that claim, I did not find it. I did find that you, while a rebel, wanted to eliminate rubeci from the game before attempting to hear what he had to say. Indeed.
  15. I'm well aware. I can still annoy you and Verti60 with it.
  16. In fact, after taking rubeci's desperation during my alliance into account, he needs to rely on other willing players in order to meet whatever goals he has. ##vote Shade939 Why wait to eliminate? Let's remove the gear that's turning the machine.
  17. You say you come in peace, yet your actions say otherwise. For example, what reason would you have had to hide that you need safety south of the wall? You could have led with that when we found you to be Free Folk and you likely wouldn't have been met with much resistance. However, you chose to be secretive deliberately, Shade included, and that is why you are being seen as a threat. You can't shame us for acting in self defense.
  18. Of course, “send everyone to the wall” is equivalent to “kill everyone” to shade.
  19. I tried with the proposal to abolish the throne. Rubeci and shade didn’t like the idea.
  20. In that case we have a day to prevent rubeci and his posse from taking the throne.
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