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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. He didn’t say he was planning to kill everyone. @Retaliation are you going to support the traitor?
  2. This except I'm voting Orange and you're voting rubeci.
  3. Well that means if Orange is king and he dies due to the ability backfiring, the hand becomes king.
  4. In case it wasn't clear, Shade can't be trusted.
  5. Honestly, please tell me what removing me actually did to help our cause. WIN hasn't moved at all, and after a new King is elected the rebellion cycle will simply continue until everyone is either at the wall or dead. I wager the only thing removing me actually did was help you. Hand or no hand, I will come for you, Shade.
  6. Well, seeing as how futile removing me from the throne was, I suggest putting me back as hand.
  7. Independents can be hand as seen with sunflower.
  8. @Voe and @Category 5 Hurricane Would you like the ones who converted you to rise to power?
  9. That and the original two rebels don’t need to be in power.
  10. ##vote OrangeP47 Louis will pick shade as her hand. I have no reason to trust her.
  11. Sorry if the avatar is a spoiler. But I think I know which support conversation you saw.
  12. Off-topic, but how are you guys liking FE3H so far? I've beaten the Golden Deer route and I'm halfway through Black Eagles after siding with Edie. Surprisingly this is the first game my wife is actively enjoying as well--I would never have pegged her as a Fire Emblem person. Even though she autobattles everything and really is only in it for the story...
  13. I don’t want shade to win with us. He openly supports the “neutral” player who continues to mane threats rather than diplomacy for survival. Scum deserve death.
  14. Unfortunately there is no winning while on the throne, so long as the throne exists. Consider my proposal.
  15. He’s just trying to convince himself that he did something right this game. Sad.
  16. I don’t, I figured I needed to join one of the categories first.
  17. First her holding has to be cleaned of filth. I’ll find out what my third religion power is next night.
  18. Your manipulative ways are as transparent as ever. You’re a cascade of failures in this game, bud.
  19. You’ve alienated the first kingdom by rebelling. You’ve alienated the night watch when given a chance for redemption. You’re alone and not even rubeci cares about you.
  20. You will die and lose the game, the kingdom will cease to exist, and the Independents of Westeros will destroy the night walkers.
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