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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. That's the reason I suspect the game will end this week. We're in the homestretch.
  2. Well we did manage to burn 5000 bodies so there's only 9,436 left. Rubeci also had the opportunity to kill me during our negotiations yesterday but he didn't, and he sent what he promised. He's trustworthy enough. It looks like the kingdom got Dragonstone. @rubeci, how did things fare with the remaining wildlings?
  3. There's a difference in making a balance issue thread out of frustration and making a balance issue thread with a cleared mind. Even in Westwood's C&C games if you punch your enemy until they don't have an MCV and then turtle/killwhore/whatever to rub in the wound, a crate could grant them a new MCV for free and suddenly there's a possibility for a comeback. You're receiving these "off-topic" replies because it was plain to see that this thread and prompt for change was created out of frustration not necessity. Threve led his post with "providing background", not to troll you but to show outside readers (like myself) the contextual motive behind the thread.
  4. I did my best to work with the options in your absence the final few hours of the day. As promised, if Orange attempts to attack you directly, I will advocate for his removal. With Shade out of the picture, however, perhaps we can make more progress the next day by discussing tactics. As for tonight, I haven't heard from Louis yet but I will be burning 2,500 bodies out of the 33,235 we have piled up. If @OrangeP47 wants to revive more, it'd be helpful.
  5. Signups are now closed again. With 14 players I'll definitely need time to balance this thing.
  6. @Retaliation and @rubeci, you will both need to send a night action to approve the negotiation. Remember to do so.
  7. That's why he made a comment during the night phase, he was finally able to speak. It was redacted soon after though, so clearly he didn't know that he wasn't supposed to speak until the following day. I don't know why he said he'd been "captured" by rubeci--Shade had already shown us how the mechanics work.
  8. Because it takes a phase to become "settled in". Same with being sent to the wall. The in-between is technically "traveling". Voe left the wall during the night, took a day to travel, and got to his empty holding the following night. Then he immediately acted to attack you and died. If he hadn't died, he'd be able to speak and be on today's CvC.
  9. I mentioned it two day phases ago that he left the wall.
  10. Voe was already holding a formerly unoccupied holding. The following night was when he attacked you.
  11. >empty kingdom holdings, which it's assumed are the only ones they can occupy anyway.
  12. @Retaliation I have written the following formal terms for rubeci: Feel free to revise.
  13. Allow justice (via others) to take its course and above all be transparent with my own actions.
  14. That doesn't exactly point to self-preservation either btw.
  15. Nah, it's having a negative effect on the focus goal.
  16. Ah yes, the old "Mom told me not to take cookies from the cookie jar but she left it on the counter plainly accessible" adage.
  17. The guy who can't be town as town clearly doesn't know how to survive in a game centered on self-preservation.
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