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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. If he's resistant to conversion, then why does he need to know what his abilities are if he's a rebel? That influences directly into the only way he can become a rebel--his initial choice.
  2. See, that's the thing that's bothering me. Orange appears to be the sole player who has a role that gives them so much more information and allows them to form a strategy based on it and the current state of the game. That's TP/neutral stuff.
  3. This heat wave crap on the east coast needs to end.
  4. Does anyone else have a PM that directly states their different abilities depending on faction? Mine does not say anything of the sort.
  5. If Retaliation is loyal you're changing to Donkey.
  6. Please stop being Shrek. It's impossible to take you seriously.
  7. @Retaliation, do you have any objections to this proposal? Go to the wall in exchange for Orange's credibility and possible risk of elimination?
  8. How about a game? If you're most sure about Retaliation, we can vote him today. If you're wrong, then your credibility is shot. What do you say?
  9. What's your percentages for specific players?
  10. I think it's extremely interesting that rather than aim at rubeci the confirmed third party after a specific lynch suspect is brought up, a few players are aiming at the "supposed" Targaryen.
  11. Is anyone else playing Dr Mario World on mobile? Just curious. It's rather fun.
  12. It kind of looks like the game is over when a king crushes a rebellion and all loyalists win with him?
  13. Would also make sense if she asked for the character but didn't get it.
  14. Anyone who nicknames their Salamence "Drogon" is severely lacking, if you ask me.
  15. Voe, I will only say that rubeci's proposal has not gone unnoticed even if not openly discussed.
  16. He'd better be. He should have known that his baseless guessing of Sunflower's role would ruffle some feathers.
  17. He clearly has an army and we need something at the wall. If he can spare 2500 troops, then I'd wager he has more than 10,000 to work with.
  18. ##vote TheIrishMan I believe we have a good candidate for the wall here. Thoughts, all?
  19. Ah, but you've been playing mafia for a while now and know that the fun parts happen around Day 3 or 4.
  20. My top 3 today are Voe, Irish, and Retaliation. Choose one.
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