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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. There are plenty of characters who could be third party.
  2. Her morality and character in the series don't amount to much when it comes to Verti60 mafia games. Logically speaking--and simpliying--, Daenerys fits the bill for a third party "secure the throne at all costs" role, because the character feels entitled to it. However, Valyrians appear to be specifically a late-game mechanic. I see no reason to pursue Sunflower further at the present time.
  3. True, she’s probably Valyrian. Which means that she isn’t a threat yet. Stay the course.
  4. Interesting. A character who doesn’t need to rely on religion to get things done. She sounds like an egoist.
  5. I don’t know anything about the character. Dangerous?
  6. I’d like to know as well. At first I thought perhaps she’d softed it somewhere but since she herself asked you, are you just basing that off her PM conversation with you?
  7. I have a full day of work ahead of me so won't have time for discussion except for very short windows. Hopefully I'll be on a half hour or so before hammer assuming it's at the usual time and not delayed by two hours. If it is delayed by two hours again, I'll have time to catch up. My vote remains on Voe.
  8. >signs up for mafia game >throws huge fit when Jeod becomes king >participates in D1 when he was one of the lynch candidates >forgets about the game altogether the following phase Classic Voe.
  9. N1 I sent a crow to Orange to request an alliance.
  10. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if shade gets voted and he’s a rebel. Likewise I’ll be very angry if he gets voted and he’s loyal.
  11. That does lessen my suspicion of you. It'd have been nice to be notified of acceptance or rejection before the night phase even if the doc wasn't available until then, though. Less confusion.
  12. Offering from the royal treasury to motivate post count isn't helpful if the player isn't here to see that it's offered.
  13. Inactivity isn't a good sign though. Would you mind letting her know that she can be replaced if she isn't interested? And thank her for her participation when we were short!
  14. Well, if PrettyReckless hasn't been here at all since the game started, they shouldn't have a choice assuming you have a GM-rule for inactivity/replacement.
  15. Despite his usual personality flaws he's been helpful toward my goals. I haven't seen anything to give me a reason to call him a rebel--loyalists should be concerned about third party ramifications as well, and speculating about mechanics is what excites him most.
  16. @VERTi60 will you be replacing PrettyReckless with @Category 5 Hurricane?
  17. So he made an alliance with a player that he hasn't given an opinion on and is now set on Shade as the top contender. I expected better of him. It's only halfway through the phase, why not wait and gather information from his new friend?
  18. Are you in an alliance with him? He essentially has given only one solid read that he trusts, so if he has an alliance with a different player unmentioned...you should see where I'm going with this.
  19. And to get more players talking, I'll throw Voe up for the wall today. ##vote Voe He hasn't contributed much of anything.
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