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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Tbh I expected to see more Antman-Thanos’ asshole memes.
  2. ...maybe you should just stop trying.
  3. Sheesh there's still more than 24 hours to go, you guys need to be less provocative.
  4. I do not lock votes. Everyone is free to change their vote until hammertime unless the CvC says otherwise.
  5. Hi, this has been handled already by @F00ker.
  6. Yes I’m aware of N0, however D1 does allow people to get a feel for who they want to target N1.
  7. It’s a wonder we don’t just skip D1 altogether now.
  8. More or less. There's time to shitpost.
  9. The shitposting in here is phenomenal.
  10. It's ##vote <player>, but I'll count it.
  11. Oh yeah, forgot to say. I never did get a co-mod, so I would greatly appreciate volunteers to keep the CvC updated from time to time.
  12. Gotta say, I didn't see this attitude coming.
  13. There you have it Mojo. Fun enough for you?
  14. I have attached the relevant irc log stub. It's simple: 1. Person breaks rules. 2. Moderator warns that person. 3. Other person continues the rule break. 4. Moderator punishes other person. 5. Other person complains. Iran was warned (more like the entire server was), and you were muted because you continued (and enabled) the racist discussion. Normally I would feel inclined to be lenient, but I spent the past 45 minutes scrounging through a large irc channel's log file to look for what you were referring to while you could have lead your complaint with it by posting your own log (you're in irc, after all and told me you have logs). So I'll have dblaney decide if he wants to unmute you. It's also his server, so even if I wanted to be lenient I'd still go through him. I see no reason to unlock the thread at this time. If further discussion seems needed, other moderators have permissions to do so. #ikmaps_admin.log
  15. You're shooting the messenger. If you have a complaint against a specific player, then make a complaint thread about that instead of...whatever it is you're trying to do here. I'm going to lock this thread for 20 minutes to allow a cool-off period. Feel free to PM me about a specific player you're concerned with when it comes to inconsistency. I have the means to verify such a claim and will.
  16. Uhh, racist comments and targeted harassment isn't "wrongthink" it's disgusting behavior with no place in civilized society.
  17. No wait, I see it now. He's saying dbaney is wrong to take action against him for being a terrible person.
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