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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. You can never be too careful when dealing with a third party shinigami especially when it's Verti60. Look at how I'm phrasing my questions and answers towards him.
  2. Nobody can explain his Night 2 contradiction, it seems, but it's also obvious now that Sunflower made a kill. At this point I'd be okay with lynching either of them.
  3. You gave that piece of info yourself. Shade never opened the Notebook. He elected to pass it instead.
  4. It was already obvious that Sunflower was the first owner, so she killed me. However, ChopBam's N2 result is still unexplained--and, KY wasn't killed via Notebook.
  5. The Notebook requires one to know the name of who they want to kill. From there, it's rather obvious who owned the first one.
  6. No, I just have other priorities for the moment.
  7. Hey @ChopBam, got an explanation for your N2 target?
  8. Shade would have been my second guess. So it's ChopBam and Shade for the scumteam then.
  9. I'm not focused on that specifically, but as my previous comments state, ChopBam.
  10. Humor me. It'll be fun to see if your claim matches the logic of the game so far.
  11. So does Liquidation not proving your alignment and being super upset about being lynched when you're lynchproof even for one day.
  12. Tracking has never and should never happen that way.
  13. The reverse is also true, although in ChopBam's case I think he was more focused on getting a provable tracking result out there. It's true though, Sunflower did visit KY. To watch him. ChopBam, I think, has proven that he's a scum tracker. It still doesn't explain his discrepancy for N2 though...unless he chose to use his own nightkill and the death note instead of tracking.
  14. Can you explain why ChoPBam has a faulty N2 result on me?
  15. For example, I could have visited KY and gotten a gun. I'd have then shot ChopBam and then she'd be lynched once he flipped town. It'd have been too risky a play if she were scum.
  16. I don't think she'd come out of the gate guns blazing about catching ChopBam when I've just been brought back. There were too many unknowns.
  17. ##vote ChopBam I'm sold unless something miraculous occurs.
  18. Why would any GM state that your tracked target visited nobody when they visited you?
  19. He his result would have been that I visited him. He said I visited nobody.
  20. Plus, on N2, the only other person to not visit is Cat5 (and maybe Verti60). Small odds for a randomized target with zero explanation.
  21. ChopBam's N2 track doesn't add up, and someone had to use a Notebook on N2 to kill me at start of D3. I think ChopBam's our guy.
  22. Did you receive your Notebook in a passing from last night, or as a confiscation of your jailed target? Do you know?
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