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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Correct, my bad. Snipe was killed the same night I entered the vault and took the crowbar. So that's one of my actions accounted for, the other being ##protect.
  2. I think it's best that our tyrannical "monarch" doesn't have access to a gun. I also think it benefits us more to investigate Category 5 otherwise we'll spend the whole of tomorrow debating on him just as we did today. Retaliation can use his cane to roleblock TheIrishMan to ensure no kills from him. OrangeP47 can use whatever he found to push a case on Irish for tomorrow unless we find new intel. ##investigate Category 5 I'm not scum. One, I was locked up when Snipe was killed. Two, I suggested that Irish shoot KY. At that point bussing my partner would have been a terrible play since it led straight into this current situation. Three, I've had ample opportunity to use this crowbar to steal things from other players and yet the only thing I've taken with it is the evidence key. Four, Shade, you have yet to explain why you wanted a masonry-starting walkietalkie when you already had an ongoing masonry with FRAYDO at the time.
  3. That's if there are no abolishment left, and since Irish has a kill action, I'm inclined to believe that one of the pluralism members has your vote and once you get it back you'll be SQ. Perhaps wishful thinking.
  4. I'm fairly certain your goal at this point is to reduce status quo players.
  5. If you want to drop everything we've learned and have yet to solve, go ahead and try to start a train. If it ends up working, the other pro-empire players deserve the loss.
  6. You do realize the chances of you getting me investigated are under 2% right? Another reason I chose to reveal that I had the key, to see who would oppose the entire thing.
  7. Oh hey, this was back when FRAYDO was still alive and you were supposedly in a masonry with him. Hm.
  8. Oh, are you upset that I took the evidence key? You still have vault nomination, did you forget that? Or did you just want vault access to get the key?
  9. Also I agreed with you because at the time it was necessary.
  10. If Sunflower trusts me enough, I probably could. Maybe. But again I have no need to use the crowbar now.
  11. You said you saw Irish use ##kill. If that's true, then he should still be investigated especially since he can't use his gun now. Since he'd be locked up, you could either push a case on him using the ##kill hostile action and I'd search Category 5 or Shade, or we could search them both. If we fail to coordinate well, we might end up with the scenario best depicted in a meme:
  12. As I said before, I completely concur with the first point. Which is why I used the crowbar to take the evidence key last night. I did not vote. I even worded my action in such a way that Retaliation wouldn't detect anything unless he had decided to take the key--which, after his ramble about "needing" the cane, would have proved him to be scum indeed. Now then, what do I intend to do with the key? First, I'll verify that Orange's claims of how it works are true. Then, I'll add an additional search to Orange's arsenal. If all goes well, this next night should be the second-to-last night as we'll be able to search two people. I was going to keep quiet about my plan and come out with a surprise tomorrow to add to whatever OP47 claimed, but given today's events I think some coordination is in order.
  13. Scum can still have killed tp, you know. And since Irish can't use his gun again today (mod confirmed), he's prime for the investigation if we conclude that we should go that route sooner rather than later.
  14. That makes sense actually. I can agree with that logic.
  15. Just going to ignore the fact that Orange saw Irish use ##kill and so can use the evidence base for once?
  16. Oh thank goodness. I do suggest we check Cat5 out today. There's no point in investigating Irish if he's scum. He wouldn't be hostile probably since there was no kill last night. Besides that, I'm of the opinion that the evidence base needs to be used to finalize Irish's hostility before we can investigate him.
  17. If you’re not abolishment and you want to win you better not.
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