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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. He actually exploded, as Crazy Ivans tend to do.
  2. While everyone was busy shitposting the Rising Sun rolled in.
  3. OrangeP47 pulls out his weapon and shoots Retaliation! It's a hit! Retaliation, the Conscript, is no more!
  4. Anon_Kat pulls out his weapon and fires at Retaliation, but he misses!
  5. Wow, I didn't think you knew how to use that.
  6. Generally speaking a roleblock would modify a nightkill, so yes. It would be resolved before.
  7. DAY TWO Rise and shine, comrades! It looks like Killing_You was killed last night! He was the Tesla Trooper. Day two ends in 48 hours!
  8. Night actions will be locked in about 30 minutes! Please make any changes or submissions before then.
  9. Also this cohosting day one thing was entirely planned.
  10. I think I got it all. FRAYDO and Irish didn't vote, and AAnon_Kat voted a random person (too lazy to go find it atm). That right?
  11. Did anyone happen to save the votelog from hammer?
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