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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Do the math and think. No matter my alignment, the Spy is within Voe, FRAYDO and Anon_Kat.
  2. Right, so logically we've got a direction of Voe, FRAYDO, or Anon_Kat for the day. I'm going to wait till everyone else speaks up before moving forward with Shadecop, just in case, but I doubt he's scum ccing.
  3. If I was scum I wouldn't go out of my way to narrow down the lynch table when it's not mylo/lylo. If you wanna call that muddying the waters, you should stick to being third party.
  4. Right. Shade could stand to give out his reports, might as well. Honestly I suspected you were the cop.
  5. I know it was a scummy gambit, but scum are going to have a real tough time lynching outside of those four.
  6. So Anon, Shade, Voe, and FRAYDO are the spy contenders. From nine possible lynches to four. I like those odds.
  7. @Shade939, have you popped off a shot yet? I don't recall.
  8. Not the spy. Who's left? The only one with a stuck weapon so far is Irish and he's dead and town.
  9. They clearly don't know who the PRs are either since they killed Cat5.
  10. I honestly doubt it. Nine players left and scum could still have two guns in play. My hope was to get some guns fired off by them so they could score "brownie points", and town would be wise and not rule them out simply because they shot a scummy target.
  11. Yep, that's right. Better shoot me and get on with the game.
  12. Chop, lemme tell you something man. When I make an obvious slip like that, maybe it was on purpose.
  13. ... You really enjoy ruining my gambits, don't you?
  14. Genuine slip. Seriously, better shoot before things get out of hand.
  15. Entirely correct--do not vote lightly for fear of early hammer. Towntell out the gate, backs up my sanity. I'm Umagon. I checked self on Night 1, N2 checked Shade. He's town.
  16. Sure wish I'd gone with my initial comforts and shot Shade.
  17. I wasn't in a hurry all day. I'm surprised he flipped medic of all things, he was my only 'likely scum' read in my list of reads.
  18. I'm a simple man, so here's a simple answer. I didn't know he was about to follow up with a claim; I expected town Irish to claim before or during their shot.
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