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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. If anything is to be taken from your previous game, you need to be more involved in the daytime discussions, even if you've no idea what to say or do. You can always answer other people's questions.
  2. As for start date, just keep it at the 13th. That should be just after final exams etc are over so most can join then. Shade is obviously going on vacation for Christmas.
  3. It’s simple, you make the same performance you did last game.
  4. Bud, with you out of the game, who am I going to deceive to carry myself to victory?
  5. Cat5, weren't you going to do a reiteration of Ghost Trick Mafia?
  6. Shade is like a magic 8-ball that will answer you when you didn’t even know it was on the shelf in the same room as you and your friends.
  7. I know that role as a Disguiser. The problem with it is not only requiring high level forum access (in some cases), but our meta here is so solid that it’d be hard to pull off.
  8. You people give me far too much credit, thinking I actually took considerations and didn't just slap all your disgusting ingredients together.
  9. You were blocked from passing it the first night you had it.
  10. Also, mistake: Category 5 should not have been able to pass the Mysterious Shard on Night 4, which means he would have become a Crewmate on Night 5 and his nosferatu dayvig shot should have been random. In that alternate timeline, he killed Mojoman and Retaliation was lynched, meaning iLikeToSnipe would have won the game with two living Crewmates left. For this timeline, congrats Town. But for the other timeline, congrats iLikeToSnipe.
  11. All game data and docs have been added to the pinned message.
  12. The mysterious shard randomizes targets during the first day you have it.
  13. Yeah, I'll post it up tomorrow like I said earlier.
  14. You mean Shade? He was warned multiple times.
  15. @Shade939 you are welcome to post again, as soon as the staff take your approval off and reinstate your FGM role.
  16. GAME OVER Firstly, iLikeToSnipe was killed earlier today. He was The Impostor and third party. Unfortunately, his infections didn't spread as much as I'd hoped (that's what happens with almost no balance). If more Crewmates had been created, he'd have been able to become a serial killer and target them (as a bonus to his wincon of just converting the living to Crewmates). Retaliation is lynched, and he was the SMS Habsburg Mafia. Docs Scumdoc Dead doc Unfortunately I don't have time at the moment to write up my commentary, however I will follow postgame discussion and post game data plus notes tomorrow.
  17. I’ll get to this later tonight, but the short of it is ilts died and he was the third party Impostor.
  18. DAY FIVE Nobody died last night! Hooray!
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