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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. https://w3dhub.com/forum/notifications/options/
  2. If the cvc changes from below please update it.
  3. You should co-mod a game or two to learn what GMs need to do. I take tons of time during planning to talk to my co-mods about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.
  4. I'd disagree there, but if you want anything proven we'd have to square off in the next mafia game. Hopefully someone else will host one--I've been itching to play for a while.
  5. I would define meta as involuntary posting habits and styles that, if changed from the norm, is a strong indicator of a different alignment than expected. As a result, one's meta can only be read after they have a history of mafia game interactions. One of the core takeaways from playing mafia games consistently is learning how you act instinctively given different situations, and learning to be more aware of those instincts.
  6. I'll check out my local book shop for "Category 5 is Sus by Anon_Kat".
  7. Hey day ends in 12ish hours. Anyone got a CvC? I won't have time to troll through 50 pages. Here's what I have so far.
  8. Tbh even though he could easily fake that specific example, it's a wonder he hasn't been smited yet.
  9. iLikeToSnipe nopes on out of there! He can';t be targeted today!
  10. I went with information assurance. Doubt I'll ever actually use the specialized part of my degree, but at least most people think I'm smart and whenever something doesn't work or I'm wrong I can blame another vendor.
  11. But real talk, you shouldn't blindly vote anyone. You need to follow the discussion and form your opinion based on that. Critical thinking is required in these games. When you place a vote, you should always accompany it with a reason.
  12. CYOR VII will be under a different director and producer and create a trilogy nobody asked for and nobody truly enjoys.
  13. Korosensei you uncultured shit.
  14. Well, everything seems to be in order. DAY TWO FRAYDO was killed! He was a Mentor, and Town. Day Two ends in ~50 hours.
  15. All night actions are locked in. Will check over my work and should be on track for Day 2 in an hour.
  16. End of day PMs have been sent. Enjoy the night! Two post per night phase rule applies.
  17. NIGHT ONE Nobody got lynched. You have 24 hours to get your night actions in. Please standby for some "end of day 1" PMs.
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