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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Alright I'm calling it. HAMMER. AND SCORECARD. TIME.
  2. On top of that, a summary: OrangeP47 is lynchproof for the day and iLikeToVent is untargetable for the day (including votes).
  3. But just so I don't get any flak about it, I'll let the Day 1 shenanigans slide.
  4. So it should be a given by now, but I'll reiterate for the newbie: any day actions that aren't passives are considered one-time use. Any day passives are infinite unless specifically stated. Really, not something I should have to point out.
  5. So I think the cvc majority is nolynch...day ends in 6.5 hours.
  6. 23ish. I’ll be giving myself an extra hour after work to catch up.
  7. I’m on mobile. You can’t do shit to him today.
  8. Iliketosnipe escapes to the vents! He can’t be voted today!
  9. Verizon had an event for a few hours.
  10. I caught a decent share of Ferroseeds today and finally found an Unown.
  11. You guys tracking that CvC?
  12. Mojoman fires an ubercharge at OrangeP47! OrangeP47 is now lynchproof and cannot be lynched today!
  13. Do not edit your posts even to correct spelling and grammar, please.
  14. Just sip your soda and go with the flow for now, kid.
  15. Remind me in the morning.
  16. It’s been a very long week and I’m going to bed.
  17. This new forum sucks bring the old one back.
  18. DAY ONE I found some time tonight to actually finish the setup. You know the drill, but for the newbie... During the day (48 hours), all players discuss ongoing events and determine whether to lynch a player. Players cast votes (##vote <player>) and the majority vote at the end of each day results in either no lynch or a player's death. During the night (24 hours), Town players use their actions to try to uncover hostile players. Mafia players use their actions to kill another player and deceive other players by hiding their actions or uncovering actionable information to guide their participation in the following day's discussion. If there are Neutral (non-hostile) or Third Party (hostile) players, they each have their own goals for victory. GM request: Please keep the CvC updated throughout the weekdays as I will be working and can't watch the forum every hour. Feel free to ping me on Discord or Steam if there are day actions to resolve. If there are, please be respectful and reduce posting and reactions until such actions are resolved.
  19. Alright! Game will start soon. Is it ready? 95% sure. Is it balanced? No idea, but that's the point. Get ready for some chaos!
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