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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. So, update. Took my wife to the eye doctor (I wasn’t sick just busy), she’s set now. Dealing with bank fraud though. Will get to night actions etc in a few hours hopefully.
  2. Night Four OrangeP47 is lynched! He was a mirror, aligned with the Mafia!
  3. We're basically waiting to see who @Category 5 Hurricane will shoot.
  4. Stop. Deadposting. @FRAYDO can and will put you in time out.
  5. Based on what I've been able to draw from the two possible timelines, no changes will be made. Carry on.
  6. Was this aimed at me or iLTS?
  7. Alright, I'll be on my lunch break soon and should be able to determine if there will be a change. Will let you know within the hour.
  8. So in rereading my PMs it seems I missed a night action modification, the sneaky players. This change would not affect anyone except for Category 5. I can make the necessary changes in a bit, or I can leave things as they are.
  9. Unfortunately no, because I'm busy with work and won't have any time to end the day early.
  10. Mojoman sends an ubercharge blast at Category 5! His day actions have been recharged and he is unlynchable for the day!
  11. Shade, stop deadposting like the game's over or I'll have you put on post approval.
  12. Hi. I can't confirm anything for what ubercharge will do for certain players. Also, my office rescinded the return order so I'm back to being remote.
  13. DAY FOUR Rise and shine! Anon_Kat was killed! They were a Student and Town. Good luck today. P.S. That cvc is not a mistake. KY and Retaliation are voteblocked for today.
  14. Running late, PMs going out in a few.
  15. NIGHT THREE You decide to put Chopbam on the block today for his nefarious crimes. But first, Killing_You brings out an ornate chest with a beating heart inside. He has elected to stab it. As the knife pierces the organ, you see Shade939's corpse crumble to dust! He was Town! You turn your attention to Chopbam, who is the Sarlaac Ball Pit and also Town! Shade939's voice can be heard one final time. The following players remain:
  16. I am waiting on @Killing_You's decision--may have two flips or just one depending on what he chooses.
  17. 1.5 hours to hammer, folks.
  18. I’ll be resolving any such actions (if they exist) at the end of the day phase. So don’t stick around waiting.
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