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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. We'll have 5 votes total on the table tomorrow assuming there's a kill. It's still not enough for him to use Wrath to his advantage, but the longer we wait the more risky it is.
  2. I for one doubt @iLikeToSnipe will be any more cooperative if Category 5 flips town. His perspective is if it isn't Cat5, it's me, so he'll spend the following day building that case rather than piece together what's happened and why we ended up so lost. On the other hand, if Cat5 flips scum, we win. I'm for the 50/50.
  3. Aha! You used Town in the third person, thereby signaling that you don’t consider yourself a part of Town!
  4. @FRAYDO I think you missed the point where Shade told us scum can do another action along with a kill. Cat5 can easily nightkill and mason in the same night.
  5. In hindsight I should’ve let retaliation have the gummies so you could web iLTS more freely.
  6. At this point I feel that seeing Cat5's flip is the best path forward. Eliminating that possibility will help us piece together the other avenues. Simply put, Cat5 is a distraction.
  7. Plus, Cat5 said he learns info from his visitors. He learned more about Scatter last night, which means it might not be a scum thing. Scum visited Orange for the kill. If iLTS is scum, then he has an additional action to visit Cat5.
  8. Anyway, with Shade's clarification we now know Cat5 is not cleared.
  9. Maybe the item has two modes: affect self and affect target, and it defaults to affect self. *shrug*
  10. KY passed the Scatter item/ability/thing on to iLTS n1. Cat5's had it since n2. That's the way it works when it comes to my Option B, anyway.
  11. Option A: KY performed the nightkill, and iLTS was the target Option B: KY did a scan on Orange and passed an item to iLTS, and iLTS did the nightkill (where the target was either Cat5 or myself) This is how I see it now. I'm having a hard time making room for Retaliation or Louis being scum. Louis because she's been pro-town the entire game and Retaliation because there's no logical reason he should be scum.
  12. From your perspective. My going theory is that you did the NK. Thanks. So KY could still have done the NK after all.
  13. That's why I'd like Shade to clarify how he does his mechanics. If he allows NK + role action from one scum in a single night, then it opens up more options. However if he only allows scum to choose between NK or role action in a single night, then it's another story.
  14. Only if you assume KY did the NK.
  15. I asked Louis to web you, buddy. I then laid out the scenario for webbing Cat5. There's not gonna be three scum and one third party here. We've got one scum to go.
  16. I'm interpreting this as "he has no items". If he masoned, he couldn't have done the NK unless @Shade939 will clarify whether he allows NK + role action from scum in one night.
  17. So Cat5 has no items and spent the night doing a masonry. I'd say that probably clears him.
  18. Of course scum can choose to no-kill to keep you a suspect, but that will give us a free night of info.
  19. If you want to hang on to them, you can eat them tonight. I’ll know if you did. If there’s still a kill you’ll be in the clear. If not, we’ll know scum spent the night shitting their insides out.
  20. Think you’re confusing sunflower with Louis for n1.
  21. @Louis I can spot two web options. Cat5 in case he’s bluffing and he has an item that only works at night, or iLTS who might have a scatter item.
  22. Nothing to say about the Scatter thing?
  23. Pop in, use a day action on the current most voted player without an explanation, then say we're wrong and leave without any contribution towards the ongoing theories. You know, I think we can afford to test the hypothesis. ##vote iLikeToSnipe
  24. If you’re following, the going theory is that he has more than just the gummies. Does your web take everything?
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