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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I don’t. Those are his words. That’s why I said he could be full of it.
  2. Welp, Cat5 left. Oh well. He had an ability used on him that deflects other visitors. Nobody’s mentioned it yet so it’s probably from scum.
  3. He’s an analyst. Giving everything nonchalantly would deprive him the opportunity of a plan.
  4. It does actually. Thing is he can still be lying about it.
  5. Gotta run for now, I'll be on later tonight.
  6. I like your angle, but unfortunately if it's to be believed then cat5 would need to be lying. I have an explanation for why Louis couldn't pass him the gummies last night.
  7. iLikeToSnipe - Nessie? Absolutely couldn't be scum unless there's something I'm missing, since if KY scanned Orange the other action has to have been a NK attempt. Orange - Nefarious third party or scum Retaliation - Why'd you visit me n1 and what did you try to do again? FRAYDO - Unless it's an elaborate bus, no. Jeod - Gave Louis some Haribos. Can't do anything but summon them back. Was hoping Louis would be able to pass them along. Louis - I know everything. Still on the fence. Leaning town because reasons. Cat5 - Still a mystery though slightly less of one. Sunflower - Resident jailer...??? Yeah really the only thing I'd change about this is Retaliation because although he shot KY, what proof is there that he isn't playing the long game? I think what we ought to be focusing on here is who was targeted for the NK if anyone. Just so I have my ducks in a row... @Retaliation Why'd you visit me n1 and what were you trying to do? @Louis who'd you target with your action last night?
  8. Alright I have some time before I go to a family dinner. Let's do this.
  9. I have an alternative to that list that I’ll go over with Cat5 first as a proofing. I realize that Cat5 can’t be proven town, though, so I’ll also post it here. I’m still at work right now though so I’ll put it up in 3-4 hours.
  10. Oh derp. You said you got blocked.
  11. Like, explain “capturing” someone.
  12. Hey, Sunny. What are you trying to do that keeps failing?
  13. I'd take it if Louis could redirect her web shot to force it to be passed to me.
  14. Unfortunately I'll be busy at work again this week, so I'll have to reveal findings during my lunch breaks.
  15. If he manages to survive, I'll be sure to question him in our extended masonry (his doing, not sure why).
  16. On another note, I think it’s time Louis told us who blocked her if anyone. Isn’t that right, Spider Queen?
  17. I think it’s time we hear more about this item. It’s name and description.
  18. I’m saying that there isn’t exactly a great reason to trust your claim that the gummy passing was blocked. You can’t eat them and if you pass them I gain more info. It’s perfectly reasonable for a hostile to keep them.
  19. I’m aware. I’m afraid I’ve never heard of a roleblock that can target a specific action. You could pass one item but not the other. Interesting.
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