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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Not mentioned in video: Camera Controls - PANNING: Hold the MMB and move the mouse around. - ROTATING: Hold Alt + MMB and move the mouse around. - ZOOMING (more precise): Hold Ctrl + Alt + MMB and move the mouse up and down. - ZOOMING (less precise): Scroll the mouse wheel. It speeds up and slows down based on how close your camera is to an object and can get funky sometimes, which is why I prefer the other method. - Zoom View to Selected Object: Press Z. You received APB'S Proxy Master file in Mammoth Editor/Sources (unzip them). Look in the docs folder for a Proxy Guide (for naming conventions).
  2. Vanille Renegade takes place just after TD, iirc. The mutant experiments Nod performs are a lead-in to the second tiberium war.
  3. From what I understand you'll all still be able to play the game on June 5th, you just won't have the physical parts of the collector edition on time.
  4. Shade939 was the town MVP, despite being arguably the weakest town. I feel like being forced to scumhunt made him better at scumhunting. Louis did really well as scum! I still don't know whether her "newbie" language was a feint or legitimate, and that's how it should stay. Not having a meta is the best thing you can not have in mafia.
  5. GAME OVER Louis is voted to be lynched! She was Hinata Hyguga and Mafia! Hinata Huyga (voiced and played by Cat 5) was always shy and sympathetic. After being hit by a mysterious hurricane she quickly became thirsty for blood. Category 5's albacore planes open fire on OrangP47! He was the Criminal (Sims), and Third Party Town! The Thief is well known for visiting character's houses at night and stealing their unsecured items, but this thief also hands out goodies too! Category 5 is the sole Town standing and therefore Town wins! GOOGLE DOCS CYOR V DATA SCUMDOC #1 SCUMDOC #2 MASONRY NIGHT 1 MASONRY NIGHT 2 DEAD DOC Most of my game commentary is in the dead doc. You can see from the openings in the scumdocs how I had the Mastermind role work, and I was really looking forward to the WIFOM that could have happened (see scumdoc 2), but unfortunately KY was found out before it had a chance. Thanks for playing! @VERTi60, it's show time for your game.
  6. Yeah, that could have gone a lot better. I doubt Cat5 is going to show up in the next 10 minutes much less change his vote if he does, so I'm gonna call hammer!
  7. Category 5 scrambles his albacore! He can't be voted today!
  8. No early hammers, there’s only 3 hours left anyway.
  9. So you're just going to keep mum about your thoughts and vote quietly at the end? If that's the case I can early hammer and get this over with.
  10. I got a Cat5 PM and got excited because I thought he'd gone ace attorney overnight. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
  11. You guys didn’t do a lot most of Mother’s Day. It was a holiday.
  12. There is a reason from all angles. I can think of a reason to continue the game no matter who is scum.
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