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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. This seems like a great time to early hammer.
  2. He was only one of three of you who bothered to make one, so I haven't given it much thought.
  3. Oh yeah, Chop made a bio for his character.
  4. He really broke his meta this game. Surprised me.
  5. Anyway I think @VERTi60 is ready to host his Star Wars Mafia II after this game ends.
  6. It ain't over yet. No. Early. Hammers.
  7. Not quite living up to the name if true.
  8. Uh oh, Shade just got SCREECHED! He can't do anything today except vote! No abilities. No items. Nada.
  9. iLikeToSnipe was found with an item called Protect n' Serve. Like I said, I'm exhausted. My deck looks fantastic though.
  10. Oh, items. Retaliation was found with a videotape.
  11. Donkey Kong was supposed to show up today, however the mass death seems to have scared him off for now.
  12. DAY THREE A lot happened last night! Firstly, it appears that Chopbam's identity was uncovered! He was Fraydo Baggins and Town with the abilities Follow and Withdrawal Tremors. Second, you're not sure why, but iLikeToSnipe is dead! He was Theodore Roosevelt, and Town with the abilities Big Stick and Speak Softly. Finally, Retaliation was killed last night! He was Enforcer, Town, and had the ability Protect n' Serve. Geez. Who do you blame for that mess?
  13. PMs going out in a bit. Stick around!
  14. Day start will be a tad late today. Spent the afternoon painting my deck and I’m real beat.
  15. Why is he holding one of Mr. Compress's marbles? Is there a crossover? Is he actually Mr. Compress!?
  16. NIGHT TWO Good golly, it's fortunate you got Mojoman sooner rather than later. Turns out he's Mystique! And he's Mafia! Of course, he's dead now. His two abilities were called Morph and Mirage. So long, Mojoman! As usual, two night posts per person. You have 24 hours.
  17. It looks like nothing else will be happening today, so I'll go ahead and call hammer an hour early. Especially since most are present. Hammertime!
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