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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Orange, I suggest visiting retaliation. He’s the next one we’re at odds about.
  2. ##vote NodFan I still think my report is correct, but he’s been entirely unhelpful.
  3. What else would you do if you had the opportunity for scum’s attempt at brownie points to blow up in their face?
  4. I wanted scum to shoot me so I could counter via Loid.
  5. Not my fault you didn’t look up the character.
  6. If you haven’t caught on yet...the control thing is fake. I read minds. That’s why I feel like it’s not a godfather deal, because I should be able to see right through that.
  7. My PM says I read nodfans mind, so I feel like he did something or had something done to him for him to say he’s not town.
  8. I threw peanuts at FRAYDO today and nothing happened, and we all seem sure that shade did the redirect.
  9. That situation is when a cop has a guilty claim, or when there are two cop claims. This is a different scenario, yes.
  10. I’m not convinced, but I’m having a tough time providing push power for anyone else.
  11. He sent me something in Discord but removed it before I saw it. Wouldn't have read it anyway. This might be a possibility.
  12. The other side of the coin is that he's neutral/tp and literally gave his identity away.
  13. Did anyone receive anything last night? NodFan said he gave his identity away, so someone must have it. I don't think his language can be interpreted as anything other than an ability.
  14. The exploding guy was a bodyguard? He'd just explode and kill his protected target if hit by the NK. Shade being the driver does make a bit of sense.
  15. I think Retaliation is our best bet. Or KY.
  16. All I’m seeing here is you trying to deflect a lynch from anyone but me.
  17. I doubt we’ll get much out of him. He seems elusive. If I were to guess I’d say scum probably disguised as their targets alignment. Too bad telepathy doesn’t lie.
  18. He said he gave away his identity but wasn’t sure how to explain it. I took that as he used an ability or had one used on him.
  19. Probably isn’t definitive and if it is, the GM should confirm it.
  20. He hasn’t been very cooperative while the rest of us have our cards laid out. If he doesn’t want to contribute then we can nolynch considering it isn’t mylo.
  21. Hold up sunny, you’re claiming you watched FRAYDO visit orange? After he already confirmed he’s the mason?
  22. Anyway the peanuts and telepathy come courtesy of Anya Forger. The assassin I’ll leave a mystery, though it’s easy to take a stab at her abilities.
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