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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Vizzini? I didn’t go telling everyone I was going to be him or spill what my abilities would be.
  2. Without informing the GM you’re pretty much influencing the game from the outside.
  3. “Hey I’m gonna be this town role some time in a future Cyor” ”Hey he’s that town role he said he’d be”
  4. So? Just shows you’ve been complicit. You two plan together and develop preconceived notions about each other before a game even starts. Not a good look for you.
  5. What I don't like is despite your alignments, you and Shade seem to be in cahoots with the character planning. That's not something you ought to be doing.
  6. You really want to keep going with the “not a good look” crap don’t you?
  7. You should be more concerned about your look.
  8. I'm quite capable of proving myself. If you want to continue acting like you're in charge without a shred of evidence to back up your claims, I can certainly see to it that you're disarmed.
  9. We'll see about that. I'm sure you're well aware by now that I will not be visiting you. I have my own plan in mind.
  10. If I had your ability I’d have acted scummy so as to attract visitors without need of waving a “plan” around.
  11. Simply, I prefer to rely on my own abilities than put all the chips on your side of the table.
  12. That’s cute and all but knowing the number of alignments we have isn’t useful enough to warrant a bunch of us dogpiling on you while scum get a free kill.
  13. So what does "sorting" do, exactly? You can't be going around saying what amounts to "I'm a cop/PR/something town but I can't tell you by abilities but if you don't follow my lead you're scummy". I mean, seriously.
  14. For all we know you could be scum that gleans info from your visitors. Don’t be surprised if you’re not visited by as many as you expect.
  15. The only thing worse than a Day 1 cop claim is a cop claim that comes with a threat.
  16. I do manual counts, it’s just tabled so easier to read.
  17. You seem upset that I even entertain the idea.
  18. Hm, the way I’d do it if someone asked me for it would be “majority alignment is player alignment”, so two scum characters but one town means player is scum. I explained this early on. It’s a possibility, so I can’t discount it.
  19. Can you blame a guy for suspecting someone might create a split-alignment roster?
  20. Yeah, and have you found one? Definitively?
  21. I mean, they speak for themselves. Shade's obviously mad about losing a character and wants to claim retribution via his "warning" that wasn't heeded. You and Orange both appear to be playing off that to provide a viable lynch target, when from a town's POV the objective should be to nolynch today given the stakes. Orange seemed to get the point and backed off a tad (urging night visits, implying he doesn't want to lynch me or anyone today), and you on the other hand are actively observing and practically looking for reads. Granted, those are both town things to do, but giving the peanuts debacle more attention than it really needed is a scum spin. That, good sirs, is where my reasoning lies.
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