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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Still having reservations about the setup?
  2. Here’s a thing: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YvpDChr2-vRE9YRdR3FmvAeJrcRksR4Vkv9xyAFf3eY
  3. Iliketoscum is lynched, town wins gg
  4. Hey chop. I’m gonna call hammer on your first vote. No takebacksies and no pressure. See you in the morning.
  5. I’ll have to see if @FRAYDO recommends it.
  6. Nvm it’s only three episodes long at the moment and the first one had a weird creepy ending.
  7. Just started binging Darwin’s Game. No chance.
  8. DAY THREE @Killing_You was killed! Current Vote Count: OrangeP47 voted no one iLikeToSnipe voted no one ChopBam voted no one Day ends in 24 hours.
  9. FYI, daystart will be in ~3.5 hours because I'm feeling ill and won't want to get to it as soon as I get home.
  10. Hammertime. NIGHT TWO Nobody is lynched today. 2 night posts per player.
  11. I was expecting a slew of posts for the past two hours I've been busy. Welp. Hammertime in 7 minutes, NoLynch is in the lead.
  12. No more extensions will be granted for today.
  13. Extension votes: 3/4 in OrangeP47, iLikeToSnipe and Killing_You. Day 2 will now end in 28 hours.
  14. For clarity's sake, I mean an extension for today only. So instead of the day phase ending in about 4.75 hours, it'll end tomorrow.
  15. If it comes up for debate I'll allow a 3/4 vote to move to a 24h phase extension.
  16. We're just going to need a bigger turnout when Verti60 is finally ready to host his new Star Wars mafia.
  17. Speaking of perspective, I wonder where our mafia players have gone? I haven't seen @Brigitte, @Sunflower, @Louis, or @TheIrishman around in a month or more.
  18. Actually, it's been 24 hours since hammer.
  19. DAY TWO @Voe, the Cop (sanity not revealed), was killed last night! Hurry and find that scum!
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