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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. So Orange is off the table for now, which leaves Mojoman/KillingFan/Chop for a 2/3. I think Mojoman's a scum of course, since everyone else is here scum could easily heed Shade's call and tie the vote for a win. ...which means it's time to ISO ChopBam's D1 game.
  2. I'm inclined to agree here. Scum daykill doesn't fit since you get a high chance of a D1/N1 win, and I see a lot of Shade poking you to figure out if you're a partner or a threat post-shot.
  3. Brb gonna check D1 interactions since it was a tie on Orange and NoLynch. Shade wouldn't have known Orange was his partner though, so gonna need to read more between the lines...hmm.
  4. Well, if Mojoman is one scum, and Shade is one scum, then the third scum must be Orange logically. Although there's the less likely scenario that KillingFan is scum not going along with Shade because it's Shade (third scum vote is missing), and then there's the also less likely but slightly more likely scenario that ChopBam is a Godfather.
  5. How unfortunate for you. Shall we speed the day up then, GM?
  6. I think he’s saying that mafia can control the vote but he believes the other two are the “inactive” ones.
  7. Chop being town is certain to me. I’m the cop.
  8. I still need to verify you but I’d put money on a scum tracker over scum vig.
  9. I haven’t reasons for getting clarification.
  10. Does anyone wish to claim a report?
  11. Hmm...I think replacements are in order. *preps shotgun*
  12. Have been busy with family today. I'll catch up on the lover's quarrel later, but I stand by my vote of nolynch for the day. There is simply no reason to go after an inactive or the daykill player. I can see no logical means to back up a vote on them.
  13. Yeah I ain't lynching after a daykill unless it's scum. ##vote nolynch
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