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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I’m not struggling. I couldn’t have done the past two nightkills.
  2. I expected to be the second kill due to the ease of proving innocence via masonry.
  3. A final question for now, and I want everyone to consider their own opinion on the matter: Do we think Mojoman was the intended kill target or do we think scum was redirected? If the former, should we re-evaluate Cat5 with the possibility that scum killed Mojoman hoping to also hit Cat5?
  4. Chop was blocked and Orange had to pass it last night. That answers that.
  5. More questions: Due to Cat5's unverifiable suspicion, why haven't our claimed investigative roles targeted him? Party profiler anyone?
  6. I mean, that logic would mean that being detected by scum = killed, and being detected by town = they can target you. Either way, detection ought to mean that your target knows you hid behind them.
  7. But that says nothing about town. A rng risk of being detected by who you hide behind would have to mean Louis knew from the get-go that you visited her.
  8. Aha, I see. True, you did claim Hider before knowing who passed you the item. If you had said you'd hidden behind anyone other than Louis, then, the claim falls apart because she gave you the item. However, one facet of the traditional Hider role is that if they hide behind scum, they die. As a result, if your claim is true, then it should follow that Louis is town. Yet you're voting her. Does your variant not have this facet?
  9. Thats how it’s going to look when I’ve been thinking about it all day and at the same time not posted much. I’ll read your rebuttal properly when I’m fully awake in a few hours.
  10. If it weren't for Retaliation essentially confirming the existence of "another Voe", I'd be suspicious of you for agreeing with me so much. I was completely wrong about iLTS.
  11. @Louis I don't think you should "go down" for this lynch. Recall this quote from D2. 1) Cat5 points out you're the only one who could have performed the attempted kill. That early in the game, I can't see Cat5 willing to bus his partner. 2) Interestingly, Cat5 brought up the same point I made that the attempted kill could have been staged. This is one of the reasons I gained scrutiny the previous day, because it seems ridiculous. He hasn't continued to press either of these points, leading me to believe he's comfortable with us getting our hands dirty for him. I'm especially concerned about Point #2--since I gained scrutiny for it, why didn't he make further posts about it? If he considers it an impossible thing now, then why didn't he join in scrutinizing me?
  12. The real question is why aren't you asking him more. He can't be verified at all, yet you continue to vote me even though I've been proven unable to have performed the nightkills.
  13. Yeah, Cat5 claiming Bernadetta is unverifiable unfortunately. He's probably a variant of Edelgard or Hubert for all we know.
  14. That sounds like a balanced neutral role--pass an item to whoever you think will survive to the end of the game, and win if they do.
  15. KY, just to confirm, when you drive a player, do you redirect the actions of players targeting your target, or do you redirect the actions of your target?
  16. The Mrs. has declared tomorrow a lazy rest day, so I'll be here after all.
  17. Also is Mojoman subbing for me, or am I subbing for Mojoman?
  18. Do we have a compiling of N2 actions yet? What if Mojoman wasn't the intended kill target?
  19. I was thinking about an angle where Cat5 and Louis are a scumteam. When Cat5 claimed Hider and said Louis wouldn't recognize it, Louis didn't ask more about the role. In combination with inability to verify, I think one if not both of them are scum.
  20. The amulet theory is moot due to Chop misreading his PM. It doesn't sound like something Wonka would pass around, so FRAYDO's out of that list.
  21. Nope, it's just theorycrafting. Not my fault they make sense.
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