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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Oh thanks. So an extension to my amulet theory is that it ensures a kill in the event the game stalls. Since there was no kill N1, I wonder if Louis was "marked for death" by the amulet. However, since there has been death now, it has not given Chopbam the same mark. Tl;dr, it's a cursed item.
  2. @Louis, don't you still have the amulet's description in your PM? If not, do you remember what it said about death?
  3. Correct. N1 had no kill, so Louis was able to pass it to Cat5 with no repercussions. At the end of D2, iLTS was lynched, so the amulet got passed on its own. N3 though is a toss-up and if she passed it to you and you got to keep it, the theory is shot.
  4. Usually item actions are separate from character actions. I don't have any items so I can't verify whether it's changed this game. I will vouch for Nodlied--he's been consistent the entire game and forthcoming both here and in our masonry, which ended as of daystart. The amulet may have not been stolen by a player, but passed on its own every time a player dies. Louis, who did you pass the amulet to and whoever you did pass it to, do you still have it given Mojoman's death?
  5. This adds up, I think I was the RNG target of Nodlied's second painting.
  6. I was also roleblocked (unable to contact my target). No flavor other than something caused my attempts to fail.
  7. [META] First weekend home with Baby Jeod, so I won't be able to attend to the game much due to errands etc in preparation for the following week. I've asked for a substitute for the weekend only.
  8. Well look at you, almost like you knew he'd flip town and we'd look in the bandwagon. You even have the audacity to gloat.
  9. We have like 5 verified night actions and everyone explaining what they did and why. You should have been able to get at least one town read. It didn't look right at all. I didn't expect the bandwagon though.
  10. Not last night's attempt, but if you want to play a game involving wine, let me know.
  11. Nodlied agrees with my assessment and questions why iLTS is allowed to perform random actions that may or may not work (doesn't sound like a town role). ##vote iLikeToSnipe
  12. I asked @Nodlied what he thinks of the whole situation, no answer yet. I asked him another question right after though, so he's probably distracted.
  13. Nope, if they targeted Cat5 they'd have missed since he hid behind Louis. If they killed Louis then Cat5 would have died with her.
  14. That assumes FRAYDO was actually the target. Still unknown, but more likely than scum trying to hit Cat5 who was hiding.
  15. @Category 5 Hurricane lose the Dancer Edelgard avatar and be Bernie
  16. Given the iLTS vs Jeod thing we have going on right now, that was out of left field.
  17. Do you have any thoughts on the matter? As I said to Nodlied in the masonry, I scumread him but I don't feel enough info to really push to lynch him over a nolynch. My beef with him the past few posts is poking-with-a-stick.
  18. You're too experienced to not have any townreads though.
  19. I actually have two trustworthy people on my list. I can't factually state that of course, but at least I've developed some reads.
  20. Looks to me like you're laying the foundation for any player to be scum so you can prepare to be "super town" at a moment's notice.
  21. So are we both scum or are you still not sure who you want to try to lead a train on?
  22. You "can't know in particular", but you still think I'm scummy for "protecting one of the original suspects"...can you say "muh Russia"?
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