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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Again I brought that up because at the time people were homing in on Louis, who appeared the "obvious" NKer while in reality I'm townreading her (for now). I'm going to bring up a familiar quote though: It would have made more sense if you thought I was trying to protect Orange (and I think that's who you were going to say but chose not to because you're not committed to pushing him yet). If the theory is at least partially correct and you already knew my claim was true when I first stated the masonry, then of course you would choose to pursue Orange instead--pursuing me would lead to a dead end.
  2. I'll throw my hat into the ring simply because using it in combination of the masonry would allow better verification of my target's claims.
  3. Why are you: 1. Wary of me (given my proven night action and verification via multiple sources)? 2. Looking for a reason to vote for me? Is it because my scumreading of you?
  4. ##unvote I'm satisfied with the claim. I'm not satisfied with lynching Orange because though there's no third party to verify anything, his information revealing in tandem with KY speaks for it. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that wanting to lynch Orange or KY for that reason is on the same level as my suspecting iLTS due to his thing with FRAYDO being a scum-spy tool.
  5. Okay, why'd you pick a Hider in CYOR? That's one of the least fun roles to play. I get it if your goal is survival to take part in day debate shenanigans though.
  6. I don't think anyone is arguing for lynching you anymore. ##vote Category 5
  7. No offense but I think he just agrees with you re: Cat5/Louis.
  8. Can't help who I am. But I never lied about what I did last night.
  9. He means me. I told him in the masonry that I targeted "Voe" as a ploy to see if he'd give up information. He responded that he was "Mike".
  10. If you found something on D1 that would make FRAYDO a target, do tell.
  11. FRAYDO passed a golden ticket item to iLTS. iLTS granted FRAYDO a one-time tracker action. My theory is that it could be a passive ability from iLTS, creating PR spies for scum. It'd be a neat scum role for sure, and it's easily proven/disproven.
  12. I still get the feeling iLTS is hiding a lot. FRAYDO passed a ticket to him, and iLTS gave him a tracker action which he was forced to use. Combined with the D&D wizard character, I do believe there's room for iLTS's action on FRAYDO to be a passive--turn FRAYDO into an unwitting spy for iLTS, so to speak. FRAYDO gets the result, true, but perhaps so does iLTS. This being a passive ability would then allow iLTS to have performed the nightkill. It's quite elaborate, but I think it's entirely possible. How quick was iLTS to believe that I was indeed in a masonry with Nodlied, and then how quick was he to jump on Orange when the "one of the masonries is scum" idea came up?
  13. Still waiting for that chart. I feel bad having to ask @Killing_You what he did and what he's all about again.
  14. By the way, Luigi's Mansion 3 has been pretty fun! I got to play a bit while working. Possibly the only time I'll ever have to play games now.
  15. Yup, Nodlied is in the clear for now. Although I have no clue why King Boo would force players to speak Dutch when spooked. Doesn't seem flavorful.
  16. Even so, since there was no kill I'd still be fine with a nolynch. It seems several of us have good information-gathering abilities, so one more night may help us out given the current info we have.
  17. That could circle back to Orange saying he wanted to pull off his masonry ability "asap"....
  18. I didn't see anything in D1 to indicate he'd be a target except for his banter with you, which even then doesn't indicate you would target him for a kill.
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