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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I was going to say if it was then mojo didn’t read up when he did it. But he’s still not here.
  2. What’s up with that? Is the night kill given to a random scum or something?
  3. If orange had saved his shot, he would still need to be lucky enough to shoot town today in order to get scum to come out and tie the vote. Granted it would be simple with the cop claiming a report. Might as well put a target on my back. Although there’s the doctor, and wifom assuming town would know to pretend to be scum so true scum could still hit true scum.
  4. The only winning move is not to play.
  5. One thing I considered was the situation we're in. If Mojoman hadn't been afk, scum would have won by now. How is that possible? Well, by Orange's daykill. If Retaliation hadn't been killed, we'd have been at 7 players today--3 scum, 4 town. Today would have been the deciding factor in the natural order. However, not only did we get extremely lucky today, but we'll be in the same situation tomorrow--and be at a loss if Mojoman decides to return. In a game where mafia don't know eachother, and after ISOing Chop, I think Orange is a likely candidate for the third scum. The Sniper.
  6. Chopbam has made a total of 15 posts this game, the first is above. It's an obvious joke opener. Inb4 "hurr durr only scum walkback on potential rulebreaking" This screams vanilla See two quotes down I'm scared This is the quote I paused at. He first voted Orange, seems sure that he's scum. However, his reaction to Retaliation being shot says otherwise. At first I figured this would point to Chop knowing that Orange is town (after all, why act surprised when your scumread does something scummy?), but scum don't know eachother. Therefore I can only presume Chop is being Chop. And with that my uncertainty is quelled. Yup. Erm, how is that a signal? Chop doesn't sit back and wait for one of the inactives to return before voting up the confirmed scum. Yeah, after this ISO I can't suggest ChopBam is a Godfather. I'm going to stand by my report and say he's
  7. Yea will work on it in a bit. Got off work an hour ago and just got back from the grocery. My second nightpost will be that.
  8. Excellent, the Mafia game takeover is progressing as planned...Operation MafiaHub is so far a smashing success.
  9. I'm going to take this as an admission of guilt.
  10. Yep. Gonna use free time at work for that ISO.
  11. Yeah sorry I got distracted and then forgot about it. I’ll get that done before hammer. Little man had his first daycare visit today. Luckily it’s family, but it’s still a big deal.
  12. Welp. Shade broke the game for the day. This silence sucks.
  13. ...Or simply stay silent, not vote, and allow you to die and then NK the cop and try to win through words.
  14. You know, there is one other thing that would balance the game out. A Mastermind. The role as I understand it is a rogue scum who only wins if they are the sole mafia member remaining, and the other scum only win if the Mastermind is dead when they have the numbers advantage. I've never seen it used here before and I'm disappointed it hasn't made an appearance yet.
  15. There'd be no need to use it today even if it's a thing. Mojoman isn't here to save you, and your other partner doesn't appear to support you.
  16. A vote thief would be handy, certainly
  17. I wish I could instantly prove you wrong, but I have no choice but to wait and hope we have a trump card.
  18. A vig, a cop, and a doc. Plus the potential for NK to hit scum. Even with all this, the sheer numbers allow scum to claim victory easily. Surely you don’t think that’s all town has at their disposal?
  19. Ah so it’s classic “shade Explanation of game mechanics”. That makes a scum win too easy. There’s more involved here than you know.
  20. Allow me to try to do maths: D2 -> Shadescum is lynched N2 -> There's a NK D3 -> Mojoman is lynched N3 -> There's a NK D4 -> It's 1 scum v. 1 town, scum win Is that what you're referring to?
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