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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Translation: I believe there is a scum in KY, Shade and Orange—and I’m town.
  2. I'll be blunt, ladies and germs--daykills and nightkills eliminate characters, but lynches eliminate players. Scum are going to want to get as many lynches as they can. Hence my above post. ##vote nolynch
  3. 1. His pregame banter and gloating of "infinite daykills". 2. Because I didn't think they would actually do anything. I wanted to reserve my dayblock for when it would truly be needed, and I figured Shade's reaction to my tossing peanuts at him would tell me if I still needed to keep him down.
  4. You do realize you effectively said "ignore the context", right? You should go into journalism.
  5. There's a fine line between creativity and galaxy brain absurdity.
  6. How on earth can anyone interpret that as a warning in the context it's in?
  7. I noticed Shade has changed his phrasing when explaining his "warning" to have it directed at me rather than the whole of the players. Given that his warning was brought up during a conversation with Retaliation and Orange (I was nowhere in sight), I'm inclined to believe it's a ruse and he just wants to look smart. The warning wasn't planned and the peanut gallery deserved to be on the receiving end of the peanuts.
  8. Oh, did you figure it out? I thought I'd checked TinEye thoroughly before using this one...
  9. Charlie Brown -> Peanuts comics -> Avatar
  10. My character theme is directly correlated to my avatar.
  11. Roleblock. Peanuts supposedly does nothing.
  12. Well, to even the score, I'll ##vote FRAYDO for the time being.
  13. You can’t use passives like that. That’s why they’re passives.
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