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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. @Louis Did you get an item from me?
  2. I tried to pass an item to someone, but you apparently stole it from me. I thought you had stolen it from them. At the least, we know that your ability gets resolved before items are passed.
  3. She’s more Tolkien, I believe.
  4. To be clear I didn’t visit Louis. However that day action tells me who she visited.
  5. Welp I know who louis targeted last night.
  6. Or yellow, absorbent and porous.
  7. Meta: I fixed the broken image for you.
  8. Anything to make Shade do more work.
  9. Nuh uh, I have 30 seconds! ##vote OrangeP47
  10. I'm cherry flavored. ##vote nolynch
  11. Bathroom breaks and an hour lunch my dude.
  12. I haven’t seen pacific rim therefore you’re scum.
  13. This is rustling my jimmies. Proclaiming what others should or should not do is never a good sign.
  14. My new job does not like me looking at my phone or random websites during downtime btw, so my participation in mafia will be rather limited compared to previous games.
  15. It’ll run according to Nyerguds. EA will just frown at you.
  16. Clever, hoping we’ll pick something you’re familiar with. Too bad for you, I’ve already chosen my surprise.
  17. Knowing you, I think the simpler the balance work needed the better.
  18. 1 because I won't have time to commit to combat (started a new job, woohoo!)
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