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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. At this point I’d suspect scum are being roleblocked.
  2. No. I don’t just reveal masonries. I wait until I can develop an opinion on the other party.
  3. Here’s something for you guys to chew on. Cat5’s been questioning me a bit in our masonry, but so far it’s only been one way. Hence my stating he’s a mystery earlier.
  4. The only thing I can do at night is summon my bears back to me (optionally), so there was nothing to do but pass them.
  5. Out of the loop, why exactly doesn’t it make sense?
  6. Considering scum are already down one man, and likely only started with two to begin with, it only makes sense that an item thief can change the timer. Realistically, scum can't guarantee the item will ever reach 100 in this game. Therefore, I postulate that it's third party or town. Either way, probably shouldn't become the primary subject of conversation for the remaining 12 hours.
  7. Hey Louis, do you mind giving my bear friends to Cat5?
  8. Sounds like a pretty stupid way to lose.
  9. I agree with the nolynch route for now. Too many suspects to choose one, and I don’t want to waste the lucky shot with a mislynch.
  10. There’s a reason I say it. Nothing personal.
  11. Anyway, so far all I can say is Cat5’s a mystery and Louis is the type of girl to have a great date with you but will steal your stuff in exchange.
  12. Why would you want to try the worlds biggest laxative?
  13. I just didn’t wanna be a stereotypical Japanese monster. Only difference between me and Cat5 is my mind went to sweets while his went to boobs.
  14. Tbh I’m really only about 5 pounds. The biggest gummy bear so far is those jumbo ones on a stick I think.
  15. I mean just read my hints. Cherry flavors, water absorbent. Passes out mini gummies.
  16. You know if shade wanted ability synergy in this game he’d have given a player irritable bowel syndrome.
  17. Eat them or pass them. The real action they perform reports to me.
  18. RIP anyone who doesn’t know what happens when you consume sugar free gummy bears.
  19. @Louis please refrain from revealing too much about the gummy bears.
  20. Oh cool stuff happened. I’m in lunch so let’s dive in.
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