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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I know nothing about those two. Weren’t you going to do Star Trek? Looks like I won’t be able to have a god-role with lore advantage this time around. :v
  2. Hey gents, as it turns out I may need to replace my entire sewer line plumbing system. I need some mafia to take my mind off the state of the world (and my reality). Let's get something going!
  3. Timings are usually always the same—give or take an hour. In this case it was the same weekend as the remasters so we got distracted.
  4. GAME OVER Mojoman got lynched, he was the Cop. NodFan and Alp have seemingly abandoned all logic and reason, and thus the game. Mafia win by numbers. Scumdoc Deaddoc Uhh...gg?
  5. Hey guys, heads up: just to make you use your heads, if there's a tie vote, I'll call a nolynch. I don't like games decided by coinflips.
  6. I’ve been debating whether to extend by 24h since it seems nearly everyone spaced out over the weekend. I think I will.
  7. DAY TWO Shade939 was killed in the night! He was the Doctor! Day Two ends in 48 hours.
  8. That's for you to figure out. The Miller role doesn't know they're the Miller, they think they're Villager. They also appear as Mafia to the Cop, and on death they show Vanilla Mafia. So KY could have been scum, or could have been the Miller. @NodFan In the future please don't delete your posts here even if they're doubleposts. Mafia game rule.
  9. Hammer. Sorry, I was playing Infiltrated! Killing_You is lynched by coinflip! He was Vanilla Mafia. Send your night actions in within 23 hours. You may each make two nightposts.
  10. Think I got everyone's votes: Player Vote Category 5 Mojoman Generalcamo Alp Mojoman NodFan Killing_You Shade939 Mojoman Killing_You Mojoman Mojoman Shade939 @alphoca if you don't mind, bold your ##vote like others are doing so they're easier to spot.
  11. Are you guys tracking the cvc?
  12. The Doctor can choose to protect himself at night, yes.
  13. Hey, new guys. If you ever feel lost feel free to PM me or pipe up in game chat. Talking is a good thing even if you feel you’ve nothing to add.
  14. DAY ONE Hey folks, sorry for the delay. Day One has arrived! Please spend the next 48 hours deliberating who, if anyone, deserves the noose today. Here is the role list: Role Night Action Vanilla Mafia Makes nightkills Vanilla Mafia Makes nightkills Villager Nothing Villager Nothing Doctor Protects player Miller Cop sees as guilty; flips as Vanilla Mafia; appears as Villager to self Cop Investigates player Good luck!
  15. Game starts in an hour--missed the deadline today again due to C&C Remaster+ compilation fixes and baby matters.
  16. Alright, with 7 players I can make a game with 2 scum and 5 town. That'll work. You should expect the game to start in 28 hours or so.
  17. So I can start the game with 4 players but it'll only last one day and night phase and be the shortest game ever. Do you guys want to play anyway or wait another week to see if we can get any more? @alphoca @NodFan @Shade939 @GeneralCamo
  18. In stark contrast, Shade939 or Category 5 will sign up purely to crush the newbies' hopes and dreams.
  19. This is going to be a simple mafia game, perfect for new players--and we have quite a few new faces recently! We'll play with an open setup with the following possible roles: Villager - No special actions. Aligned with Town. Doctor - Chooses a player to save at night. Aligned with Town. Cop - Chooses a player to investigate at night. Aligned with Town. Vanilla Mafia - No special actions. Aligned with Mafia. I'll select included roles based on player ratio. For example, for every 3 Town, there will be one Mafia. The minimum playercount therefore is 4 players, and I will accept no more than 8 players. How It Works Mafia must try to equal or exceed Town numbers via killing players at night and getting town players lynched during the day via deceptive tricks. Town must eliminate all Mafia via lynching them during the day. Day phases last 48 hours and always begin and end at 10:00PM GMT (6:00PM EDT for Americans). Night phases are similar, but only last 24 hours. During the Day Phase, players talk amongst themselves and decide on who to lynch. It is, of course, possible to spare someone from the noose by voting NoLynch (##vote Nolynch or NoLynch). Players who vote for this twice in a row will be subject to a penalty and will be forced to vote for themselves the following day. There is no early hammer in this game. At the end of the day, the player with the majority vote will be lynched. In the event of a tie, a coin toss via random.org will decide the player to be lynched. Signup period closes on Saturday, June 6 at 6PM EDT and the game will start 24 hours after. SIGNED PLAYERS Alphoca (aka Alp) NodFan Generalcamo Shade939 Killing_You Mojoman Category 5
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