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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Nah but I got Ho-Oh so thanks. Back to mafia.
  2. Oh it’s fine considering its risks and implications.
  3. @OrangeP47 battle me but let me win I need a sinnoh stone
  4. In hindsight I think it’d have been neat if orange had turned all the abilities into one-time items. That way you’d slowly have a basics game.
  5. Huh, I thought I made that ability one-time use. My data sheet doesn’t indicate that however. Oh well. Scramble if you please!
  6. I did indeed make a clarification for Louis. I won't detail further.
  7. DAY FOUR Happy Mother's Day! As a first-time parent, I will be fairly busy all day. Therefore, I have sent out your PMs and started the day phase early. It will still be a normal hammertime, so consider this an extension. FRAYDO was killed last night! He was Ranpo Edogawa and Town, with the abilities Glasses and Superdeduction. A member of the Armed Detective Agency. He is known as one of the best detectives out there, despite not being an ability user.
  8. Poor DK. He can't show up when there are only 4 players left.
  9. The tricky thing about F3s is ensuring it doesn't come down to a coin toss. It's tough enough to have roles that don't actually help you nail all the scum before F3, but so much of it relies on the players to be participating so there's something to go back and base all your reasoning on.
  10. Final 3s are amazing and we need them more often.
  11. Anyway, Killing_You had the abilities Gravity Beam and Recruit. Shade939 had the abilities Weak, Muscle Form, and Impervious.
  12. NIGHT THREE Obviously, Killing_You is lynched! He was King Ghidorah, the Mafia Mastermind! Known as "The Devil with Three Heads," King Ghidorah is a monstrous dragon from outer space, intent on conquering Earth like he has done to countless other worlds. He is one of the greatest threats the planet has ever faced. But we're not out of the woods yet folks. Category 5's fighter jets take aim and fire! It's a direct hit on Shade939! He was All Might, and Town. That's RNG for you. You have 24 hours to get your night actions in. Since there are only four players remaining, I will accept an earlier daystart if all actions come in sooner.
  13. Oh wait this is an item now. Category 5 scrambles his fighter jets! He cannot be voted today!
  14. Louis lightly punches Category 5! His day actions are permanently disabled, but he can still vote. No.
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