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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. If you deduced that from KY requesting player emails, I'm sorry to inform you that it's a pretty regular GM protocol now.
  2. As for my meta post: avatars. Mine is Sherlock Holmes, and if you haven't heard of Moriarty The Patriot, but liked Death Note, you might appreciate this one: https://mangafreereadonline.com/m/moriarty-the-patriot
  3. Personally I'm on the lookout for the mention of a specific subject, and whoever brings it up is likely scum. This theory will of course expire after roughly 2/3 of the day has gone by.
  4. "Now to actually read" after one new post? Scum.
  5. Have @Nodlied, @Voe and @Sunflower explicitly said no?
  6. @Killing_You is this still on schedule? If we really need one more I'll ask around.
  7. I'm in! I see you took some inspiration from my roles. Or maybe you didn't; I like the expanded rolesheet.
  8. Do it! I'm still mulling over what I want to do for ARM 2. Something psychic.
  9. Publicly judging Irish’s personal life choices is a sure way to get him to never play here again though.
  10. She could always just play mafia with us. Win-win.
  11. Sounds unhealthy and not because of the lack of mafia.
  12. I'm itching to play though, so if someone else wants to host by all means go for it.
  13. By ready to go I mean setup. Signup period would be 10 days so game wouldn't start till Feb.
  14. I can probably have ARM 2 ready to go by end of next week.
  15. What Verti60 did was build on the possible roles after each game. Essentially the "new" role was guaranteed to appear in the setup, but several of the older roles had a chance to appear or not be in the game at all. Verti60 also kept storylines tied to separate games rather than connect them.
  16. Orange obviously couldn't claim radar tower, and you being the Spy with 100% stuck chance--you were designed to cc radar. I think you could have lasted a while if you had gone in with that plan.
  17. I don't think you understood what the Spy was for. You weren't looking to roleblock the Radar. If Mojo had found Cat5, his report on Anon would have come up scum. Hence my comment in the scumdoc about determining whether it's better to dispose of the Radar or to use it to your advantage.
  18. Next AR Mafia game: Dark Night | Command and Conquer Wiki | Fandom
  19. GAME OVER The Allies have conceded. Congratulations, comrades--your outpost survives to see another day. Perhaps next time, the Allied Dogs won't underestimate you. APOCALYPSE RISING MAFIA I - Game Data - Google Sheets APOCALYPSE RISING MAFIA I - Dead Doc - Google Docs APOCALYPSE RISING MAFIA I - Scumdoc - Google Docs Nothing much to say about this game. It's pretty clear now that this style makes for shorter games than CYOR, however for the next iteration I host, I think I'll follow in Verti60's footsteps and expand the plot a bit (missile silo mechanics etc) to make it last longer. That said, scum made two critical mistakes this game that got them out early. One, iLikeToSnipe: KY saw right through his plan in progress and iLTS wasn't around to provide a rebuttal or react in time. Two, Mojoman decided to counterclaim Crazy Ivan of all roles. I offered Orange the opportunity to continue the fight via ##reinforcements, which would have delayed a nightkill in trade for swapping the Mirage Tank out for Tanya. He declined, so Tanya will just have to make her appearance later. Coming off the holidays, perhaps it was too soon to start the game. Better luck next time, scum. I'd like to give a shoutout to @Louis who did a great job cohosting despite being unfamiliar with Red Alert 2. I don't expect her to host a CYOR next week, but I do think she's got enough experience to co-mod one of those styles.
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