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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. They’re all still here. Sometimes they read the game threads. Mostly they’re busy working on the mods. Dev stuff.
  2. I added Shade and Retaliation because why not. If they don't respond by New Years I'll remove them.
  3. APOCALYPSE RISING MAFIA GAME ONE I don't think any introduction is necessary, but I do think after Killing_You's thrillingly successful Tiberian Sun Mafia game, it's a good idea to keep up the adrenaline rush. You can view the previous mafia game to get an idea of how it works. Below is the roster for this game, subject to change of course up until 72 hours before game start. ROLE QUANTITY DAY ACTION NIGHT ACTION Conscript 5 ##SHOOT <target> - Attempt to shoot and kill your target (25% stuck chance, 25% kill chance). One time use. ##PRACTICE - Attend target practice and decrease your stuck chance by 25% for the following day. The Allies will know if you practiced. One time use. Tesla Trooper 1 ##SHOOT <target> - Attempt to shoot and kill your target (50% stuck chance, 75% kill chance). One time use. ##SURGE <player> - Fire an electrical shot at your target and roleblock them. Crazy Ivan 1 ##SHOOT <target> - Attempt to shoot and kill your target (25% stuck chance, 75% kill chance, 100% self kill). One time use. ##HAPPY BIRTHDAY <player> - Blow up yourself and your target. Unstoppable. Rhino Tank 1 ##SHOOT <target> - Attempt to shoot and kill your target (0% stuck chance, 75% kill chance). One time use. ##PROTECT <player> - Serve as protection for your target. Radar Tower 1 ##SHOOT <target> - Attempt to shoot and kill your target (100% stuck chance, 0% kill chance). One time use. ##PING <player> - Ping a player and learn their role. Sniper 1 ##SHOOT <target> - Attempt to shoot and kill your target (50% stuck chance, 75% kill chance on infantry, 0% kill chance on vehicles). One time use. ##DISABLE <player> - Take a potshot at your target and roleblock them. Spy 1 ##SHOOT <target> - Attempt to shoot and kill your target (100% stuck chance, 0% kill chance). One time use. ##INFILTRATE <player> - Attempt to infiltrate your target. If successful, their target will appear as one of the Allied roles. Mirage Tank 1 ##SHOOT <target> - Attempt to shoot and kill your target (0% stuck chance, 75% kill chance). One time use. (PASSIVE) DISGUISE - Night actions used on you always fail (target appears blocked). Disguise is lost if you shoot. This game is projected to start no sooner than January 1st and no later than January 4th. Also, please welcome @Louis as a first-time co-moderator! This setup is basic enough that, if numbers are needed, I will become a player and allow Louis to fully moderate this game (with some outside help if needed). SIGNUPS (10 minimum) Killing_You FRAYDO Category 5 Mojoman iLikeToSnipe Anon_Kat OrangeP47 Shade939 Retaliation Chopbam TheIrishMan Voe
  4. No. Never again. Just kidding, I’ll try to host AR Mafia in like two weeks.
  5. Welp, I've gotten some inspiration for Apoc Rising Mafia I. Time to go to the drawing board.
  6. Alternatively I can try my hand at "AR Mafia I".
  7. I could put together a C&C themed cyor that's sort of like these setups but you pick your units from whatever C&C universe is chosen.
  8. Also, I learned a bit from this game on why CYOR can be rather stale: 1) Everyone has a similar day action, separated only by rng or special role (always stuck) 2) Multiples of a specific role (5 light infantries) CYOR's supposed to substitute this by eliminating obvious role-faction relation in player characters i.e. villains aren't always scum. Doesn't always happen though and the gunslinging does add to the activity. When it comes to the bottom line, a mystery element in how statistics and mechanics work does wonders for game discussion.
  9. Verti evolved the setup from such feedback that he began to include vehicles and buildings in a semi-open setup that kept everyone guessing what roles existed. I would like to see some vehicles in TSR 2, specifically so Nod has more options.
  10. Post that statistical analysis so shade has a study guide.
  11. I’m still on my adrenaline rush so I don’t really need a break. Game ended too soon.
  12. In hindsight I should have shot shade. I wanted to fire on either of them to score some town cred.
  13. That’s what we didn’t account for and why we kept thinking chop was the jailer.
  14. I explained my actions in the dead doc. It’s not my fault ilts misplayed. Honestly though fraydo being the riot trooper blocking cat5 threw scum on a big goose chase.
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