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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Hey, not bad. I expected shots to be fired like new years just before hammer. @Louis you did well. Sorry for being late, drives home always take longer with a baby.
  2. Morning all. I’ll be driving home from South Carolina today, but hopefully will be home an hour before hammer. Please keep the CvC as updated as you can. @Louis will need to resolve any shoot actions while I’m away. In case she’s busy though, just tag us in the same post as your action and it’ll be resolved when we can get to it.
  3. It’s the weekend. Saturday night in fact. And prime discussion time. Why hop off so soon?
  4. The description is enough for you. The rest is up to speculation.
  5. Yeah go ahead, as long as you didn’t accidentally use shade’s role to resolve (assuming he’s a different role). If you did, just leave the post and redo the resolving.
  6. @Louis This is one reason we quote day actions when responding to them btw.
  7. Lmk if you need assistance with it. Remember the PM.
  8. Hey Louis, wanna try your hand at resolving this shot?
  9. DAY ONE I was hoping to make an interesting intro post, but ran out of time. The Soviets (town) need to find and eliminate the Allies (scum). The scum need to survive until they outnumber the town. Go nuts! Day ends in 48 hours. CvC is at top of thread at all times.
  10. @Louis In case I’m not around at 6pm, do the thing.
  11. Game can start today (early) or at scheduled time (tomorrow). Yea or Nay?
  12. Okay, we have our twelve. See you bums next week.
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