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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Has anyone bothered to check out my character yet btw?
  2. Right, so you didn’t perform the NK. Did you figure out your mason visitor?
  3. Agreed, and why would I tell him to claim neutral after giving a town report? I want to know what others did last night. Since nobody else is claiming to be driven, we probably have a single redirector instead of a bus driver. Sunflower might even have an ability to deflect those who target her.
  4. I got a town report on you. My original target was sunflower. I was bussed. You claim neutral. If you’re bullshitting tell us now.
  5. Are you able to explain why my report says you’re town?
  6. If it comes down to the last few hours fine. But no distractions.
  7. I don’t want to see your case until nodfan explains his. That’s a much bigger discrepancy.
  8. I already said I wasn’t going to visit him.
  9. I’m going to be asking for night action claims in that case. Let’s wait for him to answer the question first.
  10. He’s probably neutral or tp, but more importantly if it’s true then it means my telepathy can be messed with.
  11. @NodFan What alignment are you then? Because my report says town.
  12. How do we know it’s mylo anyway? It should be 5-2 or 4-2-1.
  13. “Not town”? Clearly your mind thinks otherwise. You can’t trick a telepath.
  14. I see scum in Retalition and Orange. Going to take a break today. Have fun figuring things out.
  15. He may have to. I’m not sure if incapacitate blocks voting.
  16. Also if anyone bothered to look into my character they could easily put together my other characters and abilities and make sense of my actions.
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