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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Each case is in it's own spoiler area, to keep them organized. Okay, case #1:
  2. Holy shit guys, my power just went out in the middle of typing this wall of text and the forum SAVED my post. I seriously love this forum. Slight delay, but I'm still working on it.
  3. Hey it works! Alright, I'll begin laying things out, with slightly better formatting than I usually have. Might take awhile.
  4. The vast majority of your case against me has basically been "no u", but if you want we can rehash it out, step by step, for Chop's benefit.
  5. I mean, he's literally been using multiple logically fallacies. He's not built a solid case. TBH if I lose, it probably is my own damn fault, because I haven't been sitting here pointing out every one. It just feels so blatant I'm just like "how can everyone else not see this?". Like how I keep saying he can't say my points both do and do not have merit.
  6. I should have linked the video instead of just quoting it yesterday
  7. Like I shouldn't have to explain to you HOW TO THINK. You've been to kindergarten.
  8. Nah, that was the starting point. Your arguments are like literally incoherent and continually misrepresent what I say, which is the biggest reason why I've had scummy vibes from you this entire time. Town-ILTS isn't this incompetent.
  9. You ignore the fact that KY and I have a long standing buddy-buddy relationship, and if there's anyone I can charisma, it's him, whereas Chop and I are usually at each other's throats.
  10. Hmmm I guess we'd have to take a step back yeah, but at the same time if I copped him he'd probably just say I'm lying and that's less of a risk than if it was KY.
  11. IF KY was the sane cop and copped me there'd still be doubt that he'd be the naive cop and ILTS could have played that off, but what if KY copped ILTS? That'd blow things wide open. Would ILTS take that risk? ILTS would know Voe was insane and thus KY sane so he'd be worried about it.
  12. If Voe was insane and KY sane and KY was gonna cop either me or ILTS that could be why he was killed.
  13. Correct I think, but most unfortunate.
  14. TBH I'm just glad the people who can make the charts didn't die because I'm not good at that. I can't count the number of times I've tabbed back to page 4 to look at the web.
  15. While I don't want to rush you, there are other things I want to do with my life, and I think all that's going to be said has about been said. The most helpful thing to do is probably just to reread all that's been posted. ILTS thinks it'll help him, but really, it'll expose him, because he's being disingenuous.
  16. Like Shade's right. ILTS is the anti-Orange. No matter what I do, I get scum read, and no matter what ILTS does, he gets town read
  17. Maybe my inital scum read of ILTS was just actually right. Maybe my call out of his non-engagement this entire game such as the "that's interesting" being a scum tell, is not "grasping at straws", but is actually.... wait for it... CORRECT!
  18. You can't call my argument meritless while also admitting it has some merit. That's pure doublethink! By D2 I was pretty much settled on KY and was persuing that line of thought but you were refusing to engage with me and then just up and turned on me.
  19. That's not what I expected either, but that basically means it has to be ILTS cause it's not me. I investigated ILTS and got town, but I'm pretty sure I'm the naive cop. ##Vote ILTS
  20. No, you're the one that's wrong, it DOES have merit to town. Maybe on balance less merit than no lynch, but the bolded is a contradiction and not a valid argument. Furthermore, I didn't attack you. YOU ATTACKED ME. My D1 spat with you was over by the time you came roaring in with whatever the hell this is. This is on you. Framing this as my crusade is just outright false.
  21. I mean, I'm not saying my logic was optimal D1, but I will defend it as *valid*. However, what you people need to remember is being wrong =/= being scum. That's why, for the life of me, if Chop dies, I'm going to have a hell of a time actually deciding if ILTS or KY is scum, because I have a massive blind spot when it comes to if people are actually casing me or if they're just wrong.
  22. I mean, that is the question The thing is, fortunately for you and unfortunately for us, the thing to do is to just wait and no lynch still and decide tomorrow, so we don't really get to put that question to the test, as satisfying as it would be.
  23. Or you could just be trying to railroad us now.
  24. I mean, as another bit of evidence, ILTS is the one that wants to jump the shark now, after trying to paint himself as the one being the creator of no lynch.
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