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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I have a house bonus, just not one that would benefit anyone else if I'm king, and I doubt other people's house bonuses get amplified if king. Being a royal house is simply being loyal. As of D1 *none* of us were royal houses, we were independent, and now at night we have a choice to be royal or rebel. I suggest you crank up how much brain power you're using for this exercise.
  2. (Part of the post seems to be cut off, specifically the part about actions changing loyalty)
  3. I mean, even the most slow witted amongst us probably aren't *that* slow
  4. Future rebels almost certainly joining the Jeod train trying to disguise themselves
  5. Also, I mean, we did warn you Jeod, the first King is not going to have a good time.
  6. The system is going to be unstable no matter what we do, there's no use crying over spilled milk
  7. Honestly, the ability to choose rather than automatically being the king's religion is perfect for Jeod, as I can't imagine many of us are Drowned God. Though he is free to do what he wants with it, probably can't keep everyone happy either way.
  8. I'm pretty sure Verti said the king can CHOOSE the national faith, as in the King can choose a faith that is not their own.
  9. I mean, I'm not afraid to admit it, but if the vote somehow swung around and we elected me king, I know for a fact that I do NOT have any sort of king bonus, which is why I'm pretty sure anyone claiming to have such an inherent bonus is just misunderstanding things.
  10. I mean, I'm pretty sure House bonuses don't interact with any King bonuses or anything or even if there are king bonuses at all. That's not why my vote is where it is, and I still may yet change if reason arises.
  11. From experience in the political world, some common versions of bylaws and things like Roberts Rules of Order actually preclude a candidate from voting for themselves in parliamentary elections.
  12. It's 4-Jeod, 3-Shade, 1-Retal I believe. With 2 not voting.
  13. Well if I want the vote close I guess I can do something about it ##vote Jeod
  14. Normally I'd say the Beetlejuicing is suspicious, but since we're all independents...
  15. I mean, I'm not set on Voe, but at the same time I don't think all the beans should be spilled just yet. That said, a little more from Retal would be nice if he wants to be a serious candidate, as he's hardly said anything at all. Also @PrettyRecklessneeds to talk.
  16. I think everyone should vote, even if they don't technically care, as it can help us out in the future for a variety of reasons.
  17. It may seem like a long time, and indeed some of us have been very active, but a few people need a chance to get in here.
  18. So you're saying we should all vote for the player we hate the most?
  19. Voe's clearly trying to steal Retal's god-emperor shtick.
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