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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Louis XVI was a king, and look where that got him
  2. I think that's oversimplifying a much more complicated analysis
  3. I'd still prefer Retal, but I wouldn't necessarily be adverse to Voe. Voe's an unstable element, though it sounds like at the wall he still has a chance to continue his unstable ways.
  4. Building a wall didn't work out so well against zombies in World War Z.
  5. I think one of the posts says people at the wall can't use house abilities, though it didn't say anything about religion abilities.
  6. As I said before, I have some clues about it, but I don't want to elaborate too much. I will say though I think rebels have to be smart about it if they want it to work so it's not OP, but at the same time we shouldn't underestimate it.
  7. Nah, I figure it's in from the start, or else the first rebellion is hopeless.
  8. I don't read it that. I read it as the chance being user controlled. Say I personally wanted to rebel, but didn't n1. Now I can't. I've missed my chance. However, say another rebel converted me. Now I'm a rebel. However, that wasn't a chance I took, that was an external factor acting upon me.
  9. There's clear implications though, even if you didn't say it directly. Implications are fair game. The classic example is talking about someone being a scum read, then voting for a second player, which is usually a scum tell.
  10. Before the day grows short, you should pressure our potential scouts into claiming and committing to cross checking each other... Though that plan works under the assumption that not all can be rebels, which is probably true... at this point... but if we only have like 2, maybe even 3 scouts, then they might be converted during the night, hmmmm....
  11. Normally I'd applaud your deflection, but do you really want to antagonize him too?
  12. He's not done anything blatantly incompetent, which is more than I can say of SOME people
  13. I mean, it is a weekday, he could be at work right now or something. I'll admit his lack of protestation is... not great. But then again, a lot of the more intense pressure on him has come since this morning and I don't think he's been here since that happened? One vote on him can be laughed off as not real pressure, regardless of alignment (even if it did come from the King).
  14. To tug at that string a bit more, I wouldn't consider what I'm doing to be defending rubeci, merely I realized Retal is a better choice. Voe on the otherhand, maybe, but at the same time, I'm not so sure Voe would be one to take a newbie under his wing.
  15. I mean, it really depends on the combo. Rubeci may be new, but he strikes me as at least competent though.
  16. If Jeod votes rubeci and we vote Retal and we win Jeod is the true Louis XVI.
  17. While I applaud your use of semantics, I have to say I'm very philosophically opposed to that line of thought. Votes have many purposes of varying effectiveness that change throughout the day. To discard's one primary tool for the majority of a phase does a disservice to one's own agency while also making it difficult for others to discern an effective gamestate.
  18. ##Vote Retaliation Since I guess my vote really should be over here if I'm pushing it, plus we need viable wagonomics.
  19. I already laid out my points, but I'll repeat myself ONCE 1) He was a rival claimant. That in itself increases his inherent rebel value. 2) He's been around, but not really engaged, so he's had ample opportunity to actually contribute if he actually wanted to. I don't subscribe to the fact that he'd have to be of an active religion to contribute. He still has a brain and can think for himself, and that's more important. His joke vote could have been probing for an actual mislynch, normally I wouldn't put too much weight on it, but the fact he later says he doesn't actually want to vote there but does not actually unvote is a bit suspicious.
  20. I mean, it's not like rubeci has much content either, he has what, 17 posts on the forum in its entirety.
  21. So after waking up more and considering it, do we want to switch to Retal? Normally I wouldn't defer to Jeod so much, but he's basically confirmed loyalist, so he has weight, even if he still has the possibility to be as wrong as ever.
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