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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. It was before my time, but that sounds a lot like the Deadspace games Verti ran
  2. Lore wise, the players on W3D Hub usually go out of their way to be a thorn in each others side, no matter what's going on (Plus verti said they could abandon their posts )
  3. Besides, there's no rule saying we have to be productive.
  4. I'm pretty sure they can mess with the rest of the game in some shape or form
  5. People at the wall are technically independent I think.
  6. Oh, you quoted the old post... and yeah I see it now. That's not the pic I saw the first time I guess post was wrong. Rebels did increase.
  7. Eh, is it really? I mean I'm being too lazy to go back and look, but it looked the same to me, honestly. Yeah he edited that into the post.
  8. An easy claim to make when it didn't do anything.
  9. Also apparently the doc is only created at Night 3 so I'm not even sure if the person I picked is informed they're the winner
  10. Yeah I'm pretty popular apparently. I don't exactly want to give away other people's actions though so please forgive me for trying to keep it a little ambiguous.
  11. Guess I have good timing just getting back from being busy right now. It appears rebels did not grow stronger? (From the pie chart) To those that sent me alliance requests: I'm sorry, but I could only accept one. If you got rejected don't take it too harshly it was a tough decision, maybe we can still ally later.
  12. Dunno if I want to burn my second post just yet, but I'll just say, not knowing the lore, this guy might actually be more dangerous than I give him credit for, so bear that in mind when reading my advice (though I guess you've already decided). Probably would have been good to consult someone who does know the lore, though I suppose the GoT wiki is probably well developed.
  13. The post seems to imply outright eliminating him might not work, because we have nobody at the wall. He might prove problematic at the wall, especially if he's made lord commander, but it might be our only choice (though invading and failing on purpose might be an option too, in essence just resetting to status quo, but we might lose troops anyway and get weaker). I'd vote for Great Sept. Some faith powers might be really expensive, so every little bit helps. It also helps satisfy those who did not get their religion selected as the national religion, possibly reducing strife.
  14. I'd wager a lot of people picked esoteric BS as their religion
  15. In terms of who should be lord commander, if that's really what this will come down to, I'm fine with either rubeci or Retal. I still think Retal has a higher chance of being a rebel though.
  16. Yeah but Jeod never said who he was going to pick. I saw you OFFER a deal, yeah, but I was pretty sure it didn't go anywhere, in part because Jeod was mum on the issue.
  17. What would the existing indie be then? I mean, still better safe than sorry in sending Voe I guess.
  18. Well, I've been saying this a lot, but your funeral (though I think we may actually be tied now)
  19. I might have glossed over if a deal was made or not, but even if a deal was made I'd still wager either party could backstab. But no, I'm not holding anything from previous games... other than the fact that maybe it's weird that Louis isn't agro on Irish this game.
  20. I may even be down for no lynch if we think we can swing that in the last 15 minutes but I don't think there's time to coordinate that now.
  21. If I sound exasperated it is simply because I don't know why I am trying to hard to support the loyalist cause when clearly bulk of the royal forces want to do something else But fine, if the King wants to do something else, I guess we should let him. I may just want to keep my vote where it is for the record though.
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