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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'm at the point where knowing the hand might actually help narrow these things down.
  2. Better yet, if you vote me up, you change YOUR avatar to donkey
  3. I'll explain ALL of my abilities. Holding ability: Immune to all manipulative effects while not a rebel. House ability: Immune to conversion while loyal/activate to be immune to manipulation effects while rebel.
  4. It's really the simple fact that conversion to rebel side is automatic and that's it. The rest is simply using common sense.
  5. You'll get our weather tomorrow, it was only like 70 here today.
  6. Though I guess looking now, part of my ability has been spun off into "capitol holding" ability, so there is indeed something Shade can steal from me
  7. My House ability actually has three different "states". It's kind of complicated, but it's all technically one ability, that varies depending on what I am at the time.
  8. I'd actually go for Retal OR Irish, really, if Jeod is up for it.
  9. Oh, and my House bonus is something else when I'm a rebel
  10. We have the chance to just go indie (if not the Hand) and sit out the slugging fight), so really I'd only be screwed if I got picked as the Hand, or if rebels independently attacked my holdings (which honestly I kinda thought they would, but I figured building up might be worth it). I stayed loyal cause I wanted to turtle, a safe place to build up rather than expend resources. I actually thought the rebellion would be over quick and behead Jeod like the first day, but it did not happen.
  11. Oh, that's not the post I thought you quoted, my bad. But yeah, I had expected more people to rebel the first day.
  12. You quoted the first day, which further confused me, but the new day had it wrong at first, which is why we got in an argument.
  13. The picture was wrong the first time I looked, that's why I said that.
  14. If we get it wrong, tomorrow's tied, and historically that means scum (rebel) winning, but with actual armies to contend with, it might not, but it'll be close, that's why we gotta be extra sure today.
  15. "the forces"? I don't understand this request, so I don't even know if I've weighed in on that?
  16. I'm literally Shrek Tully. I didn't want to be limited by being an actual GoT character, which is part of the reason why I don't put much stock in having too many specials tied to our actual characters.
  17. You're lower in my confidence because you can be bullheaded which leads to you just being wrong sometimes. Retal however is a bit opportunistic, leading me to think he has a higher chance of actually being the rebel.
  18. Correct. I was hoping to not have to reveal that, because rebels could potentially target me and fail, but that cat is out of the bag now.
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