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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. You're literally the only one all loyalists can trust (besides themselves) and this is how you behave?
  2. I got two, which is more than one, but I did want it to appear as if three or more, to protect those who approached me. Regardless, that's still them approaching me.
  3. I thought you wanted to *avoid* Cersei given what you've said about her being mean in the past
  4. I wanted to keep it ambiguous for their safety, but since both have admitted it by now, just those two. In the future don't pressure that out of people though, as that's scummy.
  5. I'll point out Sunflower (and Jeod) approached ME, not the other way around I'm just sitting here saving my gold for whatever else it might be used for later
  6. The last few times I've requested scum mason I've been turned down
  7. We actually don't know ANYTHING about each other yet, as the alliance only kicks in the coming night phase.
  8. When I told you to do something useful, that was not a valid action...
  9. Actually the timer says hammer is in 2 hours..... Damn... well, off to make dinner....
  10. I think Voe is just a strong personality who was pointing in the wrong direction for awhile. Irish may deserve a reprieve, but Retal's the true rebel.
  11. Imagine a cliff. Now imagine throwing me over that cliff. But wait! Imagine yourself shackled to me, and yourself dragged over the cliff with me.
  12. Granted, I've not seen like Shrek 2, or Shrek 3, or however many there are, but Shrek seemed generally honorable
  13. While it's a shame Irish hasn't shown up to defend himself, I think he's a fair bet too. ##Vote TheIrishMan
  14. I thought ANYBODY elected King first round would be gone, to be fair
  15. Jeod are you gonna switch to Retal or should I switch to Irish?
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