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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Did you not notice your theory on me has been disproven
  2. Did you have the option to build the Kingdom project we discard with the first choice, or was that option gone forever?
  3. Look at it this way, Shade, without a King, we can't build Kingdom projects, and Kingdom projects will surely help strengthen us against WIN.
  4. You're lucky I wasn't taking a drink at that very moment, or you might have owed me a new monitor.
  5. First thing I said to Sunflower in the doc was "I actually was going to guess you were the Hand... until both you and Jeod sent me a request, then I ruled it out." and the response was "Ummm actually I AM the hand" or thereabouts.
  6. I mean, I'm not sure how wise trying that would be either. Unknowingly hitting Sunflower is probably a fairly likely cause.
  7. So as a result, you refuse to advance the game by hiding your own opinions (that could potentially expose rebel thought processes regardless of any of my involvement). Real smooth.
  8. I want a survey of everyone that's not Voe. Do you think Voe's Hand Hunt is theater? In other words, do you think he already knows and is just doing this for show?
  9. Wait, the holding got redistributed, that's why, only 5 loyalists.
  10. That math doesn't work out because there's still 6 loyal people as we know via the income theory.
  11. So retal, how about that clarification about religion? But for now I'm off to make dinner, be back in 30-40 minutes.
  12. My holding prevents effects from effecting me as long as I don't join the rebels (I guess technically it doesn't say anything about neutrals).
  13. My holding would do nothing for them, because it only gives bonuses to loyalists
  14. We could always solve this problem by giving him your holding
  15. If you're so concerned with defending against WIN, shouldn't you be wanting us to be sending random rebels/loyalists to the wall, basically anybody who is NOT Jeod/Rubeci?
  16. I'd ask where Jeod has been, but he's probably going to make himself known sure enough when he sees Shade is voting him.
  17. I still think he's a dangerous individual though who's probably hiding something, but I'll defer to Jeod on that matter.
  18. My argument against Voe was mainly that it looked like a larger increase than 50%.
  19. Hmmmm. I mean, I guess if it's measured, and that's the case.
  20. Eh, provisions appear to be used for stuff though, and once they're had they're not subtracted like income?
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