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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. If you read this quote it's not hard to extrapolate that House Tully can have this power, too.
  2. There's not much more to say. The fact that it's unique would point to most of us having unique things, which would only strengthen the argument that your troop increasing action is what the crux is here.
  3. I mean, I can't increase troops, I assume most people can't, and nobody else has claimed the ability to increase troops, so it's kind of a "if the shoe fits" scenario.
  4. So you're claiming that you can only do it if a lannister is on the throne or are you claiming you ARE a lannister?
  5. Also you all need to hear the phrase "it takes a town to lynch a villager" I can forgive Louis, but I expect more of Cat 5, especially with this income based argument now.
  6. With the income based argument, I'm inclined to agree, and this really would point to Voe, as he's claimed the ability to increase army size.
  7. I don't know, I don't have one listed. None of us know how the game ends
  8. I would say refusal is impossible. Doesn't mean *failure* is impossible, but the victim doesn't get a say. There could be unknown factors at play, but being the hand/king/me would be *known* factors causing failure, for an example.
  9. So you'd wager the lack of a rebel expansion tonight was because the rebels hit someone unconvertable then?
  10. What do you think of conversion vs rebels just building troops?
  11. Do you have anything to say about anything else, or are you going to hide behind that?
  12. See that's the thing, Verti said some would join the wall, some would join the royal army. We can see that shift a little bit today, which is probably a shift of 5k if they're evenly split. However, the rebel jump last day looks bigger than 10k, and Voe claimed to have more than 10k troops, while most of us are probably just 10k, so that could point to Voe being originally loyal but being the one converted.
  13. Have you not seen Rouge One? But regardless, serious question, how many troops did you have? An idea occurred to me.
  14. You're more of a "single reactor ignition" sort of fellow I think
  15. So, if that picture is *accurate*, it looks like the rebels did not get bigger. I have a few ideas for why that might have happened, namely that they hit the hand and the hand can't be converted, or that conversion has a cool down. So I guess I was wrong about Retal. My bad. I know that doesn't look good on me, but in my defense, I really don't think Retal was acting very loyalist. He had his moments, sure, but he wasn't acting engaged enough, and if we re-ran all this again, I'd probably do the same thing over again if I didn't know the final outcome. That said, my new number one suspicion after all of that is Irish, but I understand if everyone's fed up with my forceful personality. Thoughts on Louis and Cat 5: I don't think Louis is rebel. She's acting within her meta (though to be fair we don't have much on it), even if her agro was on me instead of Irish for the most part. I actually figured she'd be a ripe target for conversion last night, but the pie chart doesn't seem to have moved, so... As for Cat 5, there's simply not enough data.
  16. Google says this is something that happened in the past few hours?
  17. My phone is a $70 pokemon go machine, which is why I'm so mad I need to get a new one before Jan 1 because it doesn't support VoLTE.
  18. Meta is your behavior over the course of several games. IE you generally act a certain way when innocent, etc.
  19. And I was right about Louis last time, so I guess I'm pretty good at reading her.
  20. I feel as if Louis is operating within expected meta, even if her target of her agro was me instead of Irish.
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